The Gods Getting Jealous Over a Kpop Group

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Leon couldn't understand why you were always so obsessed with watching a particular group whenever they came on TV. Anytime they appeared it was like he wasn't even there. This group happened to be your favorite K-pop group and you simply adored their music not to mention the guys were hot to boot- though you wouldn't say it aloud unless you wanted to face the wrath of an angry lion. At first Leon just put up with it but it didn't take long for his jealous side to take over and complain you spent more time ogling men on TV then with him. Leon just didn't understand the awesomeness of this group but of course you knew he never would. Though you still loved your K-pop you gave in to Leon and his demands. The way he sulked when you weren't paying attention to him was so cute that you couldn’t help but give him your full attention then. You promised him you would no longer watch the group on TV when he was around. Though that pleased him he was now worried about how much you drooled over them in private. His worries would never end.

Scorpio constantly grumbled about your addiction to a group on TV. What was so great about them? Scorpio was agitated every time you mentioned them. How could you talk about other men in such a way in front of him?! Scorpio didn't approve of this one bit. He knew he couldn't control what you did but that didn't stop him from getting upset and showing his jealous side. When he had enough of you talking about this so called K-pop group Scorpio would seal your lips with a rough kiss so you could speak of them no more lest it drive him mad.

Dui was saddened that you paid more attention to a popular K-pop group then him. He didn't know why you liked them so much but wasn't going to question it. Instead, Dui started to study this group you liked so much to try learn more about them and why they caught your interest. You were surprised when one day you visited Dui to see him dressed up like a K-pop idol and even acted like the ones on TV. Dui's thinking was if this is what you liked so much then he would try it himself in the hopes it would make you look at him and only him. From then on Dui did his best to please you even though you told him you loved him just the way he was but his jealousy wanted you all for himself and he wasn't going to let anyone else get in the way.

Zyglavis couldn’t even hide his jealousy. Every time you mentioned about your favorite K-pop group he would threaten to turn them to sheep or other. You didn't know if he was serious in his threats but his jealousy was real. Zyglavis was always more irritable whenever you spoke of them or listened to their music. How could you look at another man when you had him? Zyglavis couldn’t understand why. His jealous continued to build up over a period of time before he couldn't take it anymore and let out his frustrations. After thoroughly explaining how you fawning over other men made him feel Zyglavis continued on with a passionate kiss followed by an intimate night as he showed you the depths of his feelings and how much he needed you.

Ichthys always sulked when you didn’t pay attention to him because you were watching some idol group on TV. Not even his puppy dog eyes seemed to get your attention. Ichthys grew frustrated. That was when he hatched a plan -if you can't beat them join them- you were in disbelief when the next time you saw the group on TV Ichthys was right there besides them singing along. You were even more surprised to find the song had completely changed and it sounded like the song was being sung just for you and then you caught Ichthys giving you a wink and a cheeky grin and all you could do was roll your eyes and sigh. That Ichthys would go to the ends of the Earth just to get your attention and have your eyes on him.

Sorry if these suck :/ I have never watched kpop in my life so I kinda just winged these. Sorry. Like always comments are much appreciated.

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