Scorpio Setting Dinner Alight

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"Just wait here while I go get dinner ready." You smiled to Scorpio whom was sitting on the couch. "Wait, I will come with you." As soon as you had started to leave for the kitchen Scorpio had called out to you stopping you in your tracks. You tensed up a little and turned around, "Really? Do you mean cook?" You timidly asked. Scorpio smirked at this question like it was obvious, "Is that a problem?" You paused for a moment before shaking your head, "No. No problem at all." You said before looking away with a concerned look.

'Scorpio in the kitchen... This should' You laughed nervously to yourself under your breath and the two of you went to the kitchen together.

You looked at what you had in the pantry and started to pull out various ingredients. "What are we making?" Scorpio asked, looking over your shoulder. 'Ah, he is so close...' You could feel his warm breath against your neck sending shivers down your spine.

You quickly turned around to face him, "Miso soup and fried rice." You said with an awkward smile and then tried to create some space between you both by quickly hurrying to the stove. 'Phew. Well, at least he shouldn't be able to mess it up. ...I hope.' Your heart was still racing and your body hot from having him so close moments earlier.

'Now what do I give him to do?' You thought about it and decided to hand him a knife. 'I hope I don't regret this...'

"What do I use this on?" He asked, looking intently at the knife in his hands. You grabbed an onion and placed it in front of him, "Chop this up for the fried rice." Scorpio looked at the onion and nodded, "Okay." You weren't sure if you should supervise for a moment to see if he would be okay or start on the miso soup, but when Scorpio glanced back at you to see you watching him, you quickly moved to the other side of the kitchen.

'Right, time to start the miso soup.' You put the stove on and started putting in the necessary ingredients and set it to a nice simmer. 'I wonder how Scorpio is doing.' Curious, you looked behind and what you saw sent your eyes flying wide open. There Scorpio was engaged with a battle against the onion. It was only half peeled and now he was attempting to chop it up in ways that should never should be done with a knife in the kitchen. The scene was horrifying. "Scorpio!" You shrieked and quickly ran up to his side and grabbed his hand. "Huh." He looked surprised by the sudden interruption and was now looking at you with a questioning gaze, "Why did you stop me? Didn't you see I was chopping up that onion, though it put up quite a fight." You tried to play it cool and did your best to smile, "I know. It's just... I was worried you know...hurt yourself." You calmly expressed your concerns and Scorpio flinched in surprise. "Don't be stupid, I would never hurt myself." He said with a hint of irritation but then you showed him the proper way to cut an onion. Scorpio was at a loss of words after seeing how it is really done.

"...That does look easier." He pouted a little. 'How cute.' You admired him for a moment but when he realized you watching him he quickly looked away, his cheeks were slightly pink, "I still think I could have done it my way." He huffed and took the knife back from you and now started cutting them in the correct manner.

'Hehehe, he's adorable. I am glad he can't read my thoughts right now.' You smiled to yourself as you got back to tending the miso soup. After that, you helped Scorpio complete the fried rice and now both dishes were slowly cooking on the stove top.

"How long is this going to take?" Scorpio asked, he was getting rather impatient and couldn't stop fidgeting. "Not long. We just need to wait for it all to be cooked through." You replied and went to set the table. "Hmmph. This is taking way too long." He grumbled and knelt down to take a closer look at the dishes. "Hmm, this flame is hardly emitting any heat at all." Unaware of what would happen if he turned the flames too high, Scorpio turned the temperature to the max. "Now that's more like it."

"Scorpio, I hope you aren't messing with the food." You called out from the other room. Scorpio jumped at your voice and quickly replied, "O-Of course not." Though he knew that was a lie. Scorpio turned away from the food for a moment to check on you and that was when it all happened. "What?!" Loud beeping sounds echoed throughout your apartment, the fire alarms had gone off. You looked into your kitchen to see smoke billowing out from it. Your eyes widened in horror, "No, the food!"

Scorpio, on the other hand, completely froze up, "What have I done...?" He quickly regretted turning the flames up and then raced back to the kitchen himself. There he saw you attempting to put the fire out with water from the tap. But the smoke was increasing and you had started to cough. Feeling faint, Scorpio quickly grabbed you and pulled you out of the room before using his powers to bring an end to the fire.

Still coughing, you looked into your now charred kitchen with a gloomy expression, "How did this happen..." You sighed and it was then you saw something, "Hmm." You went to take a closer look and saw the remains of what looked to be a tea towel near the stove, "Did this start the fire? But I don't remember leaving this here." You questioned it. Scorpio stood behind you feeling a little meek since he was the blame for it all.

"Actually..." Scorpio had started to speak. You turned around at his voice and was surprised to see him looking so timid. 'Don't tell me...' You understood then just what happened. "I'm sorry... I guess dinner is ruined now." He really felt bad about what happened but instead of getting upset you just smiled. "Don't worry about it. It's not like I wasn't expecting something to happen." At this, Scorpio's head perked up and he looked astonished, "What are you saying? You expected me to burn down your kitchen?" You giggled in response, "Maybe. I thought I picked something easy for you but I guess there was no escaping the fate for this poor kitchen." Seeing you smiling at him after everything that happened, Scorpio's shoulders slumped, "You have no faith in me."

'Not when it comes to cooking.' You chuckled to yourself. "Really, it is okay. There is a first time for everything even if your first time meant setting fire to everything, but hey, you might do better next time." You rubbed him on the back in an attempt to cheer him up. Scorpio, feeling a little better, now started to smirk, "You really think there will be a next time? I am done cooking. I will leave that to you. Besides I could never live with myself if you got hurt because of me." Scorpio looked a little pained thinking what might have happened to you. But you just laughed, "You know, I think that is for the best. It will definitely be safer for the both of us." After that, you decided to order pizza for dinner and spent the night in each other's arms on the couch.

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