The God's Meeting MCs Parents

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Leon: Meeting your parents for the first time had him rather anxious. You were surprised and maybe even a little amused seeing the usually arrogant god so jittery. Leon wanted to make a good first impression on your parents but because of all the thought he has put into preparing himself it did more harm than good. Always composed in the direst of circumestances but a blundering fool before your family. You didn't know whether to laugh or feel sorry for him. Thankfully, he pulled himself together fast and the rest went off without a hitch. Your parents liked the rather his straightfoward personality, though, they had no idea they were in the presence of a god. And you knew things would go south quickly if they were to find out, and so Leon was forbidden to use his powers during the stay at your parents home. Finally meeting your parents allowed you to get closer to Leon than ever before. Seeing you had come from such a wonderful family made him feel even luckier to have someone like you in his life.

Dui: When he heard you were going to be visiting your parents for the weekend, Dui was quick to say he would accompany you. He couldn't wait to meet your parents and see those who gave birth to the woman he loved so dearly. Dui couldn't stop smiling all the way there and when you finally arrived at their doorstep that was when Dui clammed up. He started questioning on what he should say and how he should act. You told him to just be himself as that is what you loved most about him. However, that was when his other side came forth and having much more confidence in himself he pulled off the greetings with ease; he even managed to keep up a friendly smile for them, something you thought was quite adorable. After the greetings were over, Dui had calmed down considerably and now couldn't stop talking and going on about how wonderful you were and how much you meant to him; of course the conversation left you beet red. Your parents were thrilled you had found such a wonderful man to cherish you and you couldn't have been happier; you truly were happy to be blessed with the best boyfriend in the universe.

Huedhaut: You couldn't believe it, Huedhaut was going to see your parents with you. He was rather gentlemenly about it, insisting it would be a good idea to see them if you plan to wed in the future; this only made you blush furiously at the prospect of marrying him. Upon arriving at your parents home, Huedhaut was calm and composed, greeting them with his best smile. He even brought them one of his fine wines he had stored away. Huedhaut was an instant hit with your parents and were telling you how lucky you were to snag such a catch. Huedhaut engaged in many interesting conversations with your parents, about you and your time as a child. He enjoyed very much hearing what they had to say about you, even if you wanted to change the subject. Seeing Huedhaut getting along so amiably with your parents delighted your heart and made you feel uplifted. All you could think about was how happy you would be when you two were finally married.

Same as the other one. My friend wrote the other three gods.

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