The Gods Reaction To MC Being Kidnapped

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Leon: Leon would be enraged that someone dared touch what is his. He would stop at nothing to find you, day and night, Leon would be out there searching for you without rest. He would still adorn his usual cocky grin, but deep down, he was worried about you. You would be all he could think about and until you were safely in his arms once more, this arrogant lion wouldn't give up on the hunt. "I will make them pay. No one touches my girl and gets away with one."

Scorpio: Scorpio would freeze upon learning you had been kidnapped. Those words ringing through his mind. Clicking his tongue in frustration that you even allowed yourself to be captured. Though really, Scorpio was deeply worried about your safety, he just didn't want to let it show but much to his dismay, he didn't hide it very well. Scorpio would send everyone in his department out looking for you. He wouldn't rest until you were reunited. Many dark thoughts would invade his mind at what he would do to the perp who captured you. Be warned this scorpion has a nasty sting. If there was one thing Scorpio wanted to make clear, it was to never mess with him or the one he loves. "I will find you...and once I do, I'll see to it no one ever touches you again as long as I breath."

Dui: Dui wouldn't be sure how to react at first, not until his shadow side stepped up and knocked some sense into him. With his resovle set, Dui would head out in search of you. Realizing that by himself it would take far too long to search for you and fearing for your wellbeing, Dui would seek out Ichthys and Scorpio for help. No matter what, he would find you. Dui wouldn't stop until he did so. Anytime he needed encouragement his shadow side was right there with him. He couldn't believe someone would snatch you away from him. The very thought angered him. It definitely won't be pleasant for the perp when he is found. Scorpio would need to hold Dui back to keep things from getting out of hand. That is just how much he loved you. "Just hang in there. I am coming for you. I won't give up."

Huedhaut: Huedhaut's eyes would grow cold. Someone dared take you from him? The one whom he loved and treasured and would give his own life for. Huedhaut would grow tense as his heart ached at being separated from you once more. He would immediately jump into action and form a strategy for finding you. There was no way he would give up. You both had been through too much to let this keep you apart. Huedhaut swore to it with his very life that he would find you and bring you home in the warm comforts of his arms. "I won't let anyone ever take you away from me again. You are the one I love. The only one I will ever love."

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