Dangerous Beauty- Part One

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Joint fic with a friend. She controls Virgi while I control Elli.

It was the weekend, Elli and Virgi lazed about in their rather large home. They didn't quite know what to do with themselves. There was nothing interesting on tv and they felt it was too hot to go outside. It was the middle of summer, they could go to the beach but they had already gone many times this summer and desired to do something different for a change.

Elli laid back on one of the expensive leather lounges while Virgi sat on the floor in front leaning back against the lounge.

A bored sigh escaped Elli's lips as she rolled over on the lounge with a slight pout, "I don't think I've ever been so bored. It's summer. We are supposed to be having fun! I wonder what the gods are doing. They said they would be busy today... Ugh, I just want something to cure my boredom." Elli moaned and hit the cushion she rested on with her hand.

Virgi looked at her sister, and wondered what to do. She herself felt pretty bored too, and her laziness didn't help. Then a nostalgic thought crossed her mind, "This is the second summer we are staying at home... I wonder where our parents would have taken us this year..." She hugged her pillow tightly, looking Elli in the eyes.
She was so grateful to her older sister, she always took care of her since their parent's death two years ago. She wanted to help her in some way.

"Well, why don't we go and see for ourselves? Let's go to the mansion!" She exclaimed, standing up and pulling Elli along by her waist.

"Yeah, I guess we could? It's not like we have anything better to do anyways!" A giggle escaped her lips.

They both went to the door, opening it and going outside. The sun was still high even if it was already afternoon, and soon both of them felt really hot.

Virgi wondered why such an idea crossed her mind earlier, cursing herself mentally.
She looked at Elli, even she was slowly becoming exhausted, with sweat dripping down on both of their faces.

"Maybe this was a bad idea after all..." Virgi groaned, just to realize Elli was indicating to the God's mansion and started running towards it.

"We are finally here!" Elli squealed with glee. She had never been so happy to see a house before as she had now. Elli dragged Virgi along with her as she ran, a smile on her face the whole way. "We made it!" Elli happily declared as they reached the front door. Elli, along with her sister, was dripping with sweat, but the look on her face showed just how relieved she was to have finally reached their destination.

"I can't wait to get a cold glass of water." Elli reached towards the door and slowly tapped it a few times with the back of her knuckle. "Hmm, I don't hear any footsteps..." The footsteps they were always greeted with upon knocking on the door was nowhere to be heard.

Thinking it was strange, Elli grabbed the door handle and tried turning it, "Ah." With a small 'click' the door leisurely opened before the pair like something out of a suspense movie.

Curiosity getting the better of them, Elli along with her sister stepped inside the awfully quiet mansion.

"Is there anyone here?" Virgi asked out loud, finding the situation a little creepy.
The atmosphere was always so joyous, cheerful, but not today.

"Well, seems like there is no one here..." She said sadly, looking at Elli.

'They are probably still in the Heavens...' She thought. Virgi followed her sister's gaze to see an open door. It was the one that led to the Heavens.

"Maybe we should try... And enter...?" She asked perplexed. Virgi reached for the barely open door, just to be stopped by her older sister. The look in her eyes told her that it was far too dangerous to try, that they needed a god's surveillance to pass through that door.

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