The Gods Using Smartphones

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-Pretends he knows how to use it
-He doesn't
-Plays with his phone in secret
-Eventually goes to Huedhaut for help
-Takes pictures of beautiful scenery to show you
-Also takes lots of pictures of himself
-Spams you with his selfies
-Sometimes he is nude in them
-Accidentally sends Scorpio one of his nude pictures
-Scorpio breaks his phone
-Leon decides that is for the best and let's it go


-What is this thing?
-How does it turn on?
-Complains to Zyglavis you gave him some useless piece of junk that doesn't turn on
-Zyglavis tells him to charge the phone
-Scorpio leaves, embarrassed
-Likes to send you pictures of his rabbit apples
-Sometimes he even sends you pictures of rabbit apple families he makes because you like cute things
-Only uses his phone to send you pictures
-Morning, noon and night Scorpio loves to send pictures of his apples
-Doesn't know how to text only send pictures
-Wonders why everyone keeps accidentally texting or sending him pictures
-Sometimes he wishes he never had a phone
-Believes he is the victim of a cruel punishment
-The phone is a curse


-Has you as his lockscreen and homescreen
-There is ice cream and other dairy products messily edited into the background of your pictures
-Always forgets to charge his phone
-Complains the battery drains too fast
-Never turns off his phone draining his battery
-Sometimes misplaces his phone
-His ringtone is a cow mooing
-Accidentally sent Scorpio a picture of a cow that said “You moove me”
-Wonders if his phone will help him get lost less
-Doesn't know how to read a map
-Ends up getting more lost


-Carries his phone everywhere
-Loves to take pictures of you at any opportunity he gets
-Gushes about you to the other gods as he shows them pictures of you
-Is terrible at texting
-Always sends incomplete texts
-Most are him telling you he loves you and how perfect you are
-Browses the Internet on different ways to prepare cherries
-Will send pictures of himself so you don't feel lonely
-Falls victim to Internet scams
-Too naive for his own good
-Once Accidentally sent a picture to Scorpio of you both kissing


-Is half decent at texting
-Always texts you goodnight before you go to sleep
-Also texts you good morning
-Loves to call you and hear your voice when he can't come see you
-Has folders properly organized with his pictures of you
-His texts are short but always sweet
-Agrees smartphones do come in handy and understands why humans like them
-Accidentally sent Scorpio a picture of a glass of wine
-For once Scorpio didn't throw his phone on the floor


-Constantly sending pictures to you with him being chased by the other gods
-Also sends pictures of the other gods making awkward faces
-Researches pranks on the internet
-Loves to take pictures of you
-Really loves to take pictures of you as he pulls a prank because your face is hilarious
-His texts are full of emoji you can hardly decipher them
-Annoys the other gods by playing strange music on his phone all the time
-The gods threaten to break his phone
Accidentally sent Scorpio a picture of him topless and winking in the phone as he blew an air kiss
-Scorpio nearly turned him into sashimi later
-Loves to record the gods voices and make them sound like chipmunks


-Only uses his phone in private
-Doesn't let the other gods see the wallpaper on his phone
-His lockscreen and homescreen both consist of you besides him smiling
-Always asking if you are sleeping and eating enough
-Has only gone to Karno for help
-Thanks to Karno he can now send simple texts
-Gets embarrassed when you see his browser history
-He often looks up about chocolate ganache
-Make sure to say he loves you every morning and night so you will have a good day and a happy sleep
-One accidentally sent Scorpio a text that said I love you
-Scorpio never said a word but the awkwardness between them afterwards said everything


-Is absolutely clueless
-How does it turn on?
-How does it send texts?
-What is the point of it?
-Would rather see you in person
-Eventually comes to appreciate it for the times he couldn't see you
-His texts match his personality
-They are simple and laid back
-Never fails to say how much he loves you and you are everything to him
-He only says what is needed
-Loves to send pictures of Nashira
-Actually enjoys taking pictures of his Heralds
-Will send you pictures of sweet fluffy things he'd like to try
-Any time there's something he doesn't know he will text you with a picture
-It happens a lot
-Still getting the hang of using his phone properly
-Sometimes wonders why it turns off and remembers he didn't charge it
-Once accidently sent Scorpio a picture of him hugging Nashira
- Thankfully it was one of the lesser evils Scorpio has received

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