What Turns Them On

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Aries: They won't admit it but they love seeing the sleeping face of their loved one. Waking up to them fills them with pleasure and makes them want to get frisky.

Taurus: Anything turns them on. Just hearing their partners sexy breaths after playing around in bed makes them want to go another round.

Gemini: Seeing their partner in revealing clothes or no clothes at all is enough to get these guys going. Watch out, after you've turned a gemini on there is no turning back, be prepared for what lies ahead.

Cancer: The sweet smile of their loved one looking back at them makes their heart race and want to take them right there and then.

Leo: Seeing their partner cry from their sadistic nature is all it takes to get Leo's going and then drag them off to the bedroom. Of course this was their intended purpose from the beginning.

Virgo: Anything and everything. They'll use every excuse under the sun to say they are turned on and want to drag their beloved off to the bedroom to have some bedroom fun - though it's not guaranteed they make it to the bedroom every time.

Libra: Coming home to see their partner hard at work is such a turn on for them. They find it incredibly sexy. Though they won't let them stay that way long as they are overcome by desire and it's not long before they are both drawing ragged breaths in bed.

Scorpio: Hearing their partner laugh is a huge turn on for them. They can't resist seeing the happy look on their face and can only think how they could make them even happier in the bedroom.

Sagittarius: Seeing their partners pained expressions after they had teased them is all it takes to make them want to take it even further until both are making wild love in bed.

Capricorn: Hearing the moans or gasps of their beloved sends an electric shock through their body and fills them with so much energy that no one would be getting any sleep that night.

Aquarius: Seeing their beloved look at them with a passionate gaze will send them over the edge. They will be so turned on that their passion will clearly shine through in bed.

Pisces: The touch of their beloveds skin, their warmth against their own drives them crazy with pleasure.

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