Scorpio And The Kitten

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"Hehe. I can't wait to see their faces when they see you." You were on your way to visit the gods with a cute little bundle you just recently adopted. A short haired black kitten. The kitten rested quietly in its carrier as you headed over.

"___! I didn't expect to see you today." Ichthys and Dui greeted you at the door with surprise.

You smiled, hiding the carrier out of view, "I have a little surprise for you all today."

The gods faces immediately lit up in curiosity, "Really? What did you bring?" Dui asked, his eyes wide.

You giggled and brought the carrier up to their faces, "Ta-da!"

"Whoa!" Both gods gasped.

"What is it?" A curious Teorus came wandering up from behind and froze when he saw the little kitten, "How cute!"

The gods immediately ushered you inside, excitement building within to play with the little bundle you brought over.

"What's her name?" Dui asked.


"That's such a cool name." Ichthys grinned. "Can we let her out of the cage?" Ichthys asked, looking at the kitten in the carrier.

You nodded and set the carrier on the floor, "She may be a little skittish with all the new faces but a little time out shouldn't hurt."

Ichthys immediately dropped to the floor with his stomach on the ground to look into the carrier, "Hi little kitty. I'm Ichthys." Ichthys begun speaking like he was talking to a child, his voice high pitched and a grin on his face.

You couldn't help but smile seeing the cute scene. You knelt down to open the cage. At first Nova huddled in the back but soon enough she slowly crept forward.

"Meow." The little kitten meowed as she poked her head out of the cage.

"C'mon little kitty." Ichthys waved his hand to the kitten trying to encourage her to come over.

"Kitty come here." Dui had also knelt over and was trying to get the kitten to come to him. It didn't take long for all three of them, Teorus included, to try get the kittens attention. It was too cute for words watching the gods trying to interact with the kitten.

However, the kitten mewed it's way over to you instead, ignoring the other gods.

"Ahaha. Seems she likes me best." The other gods all looked dejected after been turned down by the little kitten. All you could do was laugh off their disappointment.

"Hey, kittens like milk, right?" It looked like Teorus had come up with an idea and snapped his fingers. A bowl of milk appeared, "Nova, want some milk?" Smiling, Teorus held the bowl out to the kitten. The bowl had caught Nora's attention but before she could do anything Ichthys spoke.

"Hey, no fair!" Ichthys whined and snapped his fingers in retaliation and a plate with a huge fish appeared on it, "She will like this better." He held the plate out to her but she did nothing but stare at it.

"Ichthys... Nova can't eat that." You felt a bit awkward letting the poor god down but there was no way a kitten could eat a whole uncooked fish.

"What? Seriously?" Ichthys shoulders slumped and his head dropped.

"I'm sorry." You smiled sympathetically.

This time Dui snapped his fingers and bowl of food suitable for a kitten appeared.

"Here you go." Dui placed the bowl near Nova with a smile while Teorus gave her the bowl of milk. Nova warmed up to the two gods while Ichthys sulked.

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