The Last Apple- Scorpio

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You sat on Scorpio's bed waiting for him to finish with some paperwork so you two could spend some quality time together. Little did you know just on the other side of the door, standing in front of Scorpio's room was a certain prankster.

Ichthy's had been wanting to pull a prank on the two of you for a long time now and was waiting for the perfect opportunity. While you both were unaware, he opened the door a crack to get a good look and scout out the perfect target for his prank.

Ichthys eyes fell upon a tray on Scorpio's cabinet besides his bed. On it was one apple. It must have been his last apple he was saving.

"Bingo." Ichthy's snapped his fingers, and with a wicked grin of satisfaction, he retreated from the vicinity in a flash.

You idly sat on Scorpio's bed patiently waiting for him, however, you started to feel hungry. You began to get a little fidgety and that was when you saw the tray on Scorpio's bedside. On it you saw a nice looking slice of chocolate cake. You didn't recall seeing it there before, but you didn't care, you were just so hungry and it looked so good.

You reached out towards the tray and picked up the slice of cake and just at that moment Scorpio had finished his paperwork and was coming over to you.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Scorpio stopped in his tracks when he saw you munching away on his perfectly good apple. His very last one he had been saving.

"What are you talking about?" You stopped eating and cocked your head. You wondered what got him so bothered.

"Don't play stupid. You gift me those apples and now you go eat them yourself?!" Scorpio raised his voice. His eyebrows was twitching and his forehead was furrowed. He was beyond agitated.

However, you were even more confused, "But I'm not eating your apple?" You replied.

This only got him even more furious, "Do you take me for a fool? If you really wanted the apples for yourself then you should have said so! I wouldn't have accepted the damn things in the first place then." Now he seemed to be more sulky than angry. Scorpio was probably in shock that you ate his precious apples.

"But I'm eating a slice of chocolate cake? I would never eat your apples." You said honestly.

Scorpio's head perked up at your words and then it hit him, "This is the work of that damn fish. He tricked you into eating my apple." Scorpio grumbled. He looked beyond scary, Ichthy's is probably going to dread whatever Scorpio has in store for him later.

"What? Then...I really did eat your apple..." You hung your head in regret, you felt terrible for doing such a thing. Even if it was Ichthys prank you should have known better.

"Whatever. What's done is done." Scorpio seemed to recover fast and was now inching towards you with a mischievous look, "You will just have to pay me back...with your body."

Before you knew it, Scorpio had forcefully pushed you down on the bed and got on top, "I hope you are ready for your punishment. I'll make sure to give it you to nice and slow. Make sure you remember it well because next time I won't let you off so easy for eating my apples..." Scorpio breathed in a hot whisper close to your ear sending shivers down your spine.

"Wait...!" You tried to protest but it was futile as you were no match for his strength and he had you pinned to the bed.

"There will be no escape for troublemakers. Be a good girl and accept my punishment." He said with the most devious grin and that was it. You were at his mercy. You no longer had the strength to resist. All that was left now was receiving his punishment in full. You sure were in for the night of your life. Maybe next time you will resist temptation before your eyes?

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