Zyglavis Getting MC Back

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Because someone wanted to see his on Tumblr I wrote this. If you are all wondering why I haven't done all the gods is because it's difficult trying to work out different reasons for them all.

Zyglavis: It was painful. Watching you smile at another man who should have been him. How could he have ever lost you to another god? Zyglavis despaired over how he ever made such a fatal mistake. If only he could turn back time and save himself from a world of sorrow. Zyglavis would never let you go if he had another chance; he wouldn't make the same mistake twice. There was no way he would let you slip through his fingers again. But it was already too late and such things were pointless to mull over. Oh, how much he loved you. At some point you had become his everything but now he was left with nothing. The pain in his heart would never heal, his life would always feel empty. Zyglavis was destined to a life of torment... That was until his vice-minister caught sight of something strange. It was possible you were being controlled by a certain substance that has a powerful effect over humans and causing you to lose your free will.

Scorpio offered to subdue the god and beat the truth out of him but Zyglavis didn't want Scorpio getting involved in his problems nor did he want Scorpio to get in trouble over him. Instead, Zyglavis would handle the matter on his own. He wasted no time in spying on the god to see for his own eyes. Zyglavis followed him like a shadow, closely and persistently. Then it happened. Zyglavis saw the god use a tiny bottle, bringing it up to your nose and immediately the expression on your face changed. It was just for a moment but there was a sorrowful look in your eyes. The rage within him boiled. To learn you were being controlled against your own will sickened the minister and he had to do his best to keep calm.

Zyglavis wasted no time after that, confronting the god and saving you from his clutches. He didn't hurt the god physically but his life was ruined after Zyglavis reported him to the king and he was banished from the heavens for his misdeeds all because he was jealous. You on the other hand were a bundle of emotions as you had no control over yourself all that time and was left helpless as you watched the god do as he liked with you and with no way to stop him. So many times you wanted to scream. You wanted Zyglavis to save you but your voice was trapped inside of you. Seeing the pain on his face was torture because it looked like you had betrayed him when in reality you were crying inside. Crying for his help. His love.
You felt awful after everything that happened but Zyglavis was just relieved to have you back. To know you didn't betray his love nor trust. He didn't blame you and wished you'd stop beating yourself up over it.

Zyglavis was finally whole again. The hole in his heart had been filled and this time he would never let you go. Not for as long you lived. Seeing you smile that was just for him filled his heart with great joy. Zyglavis vowed to protect you and your smile for all eternity; he would always keep you close an promise his love to you. Forever.

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