Proposal- Karno

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It seemed like the perfect date. Karno had taken you to quite a glamorous restaurant. Everything was so luxurious it was like a dream.

"This place is amazing." You smiled, the food also tasted divine.

Karno smiled, satisfied, "I'm glad you think so. Afterwards, let's go for a walk along the beach."

"Yes." You nodded.

How could you not walk along the beach when the very restaurant you were at overlooked it. Hearing the calming sounds of the waves as you ate was so relaxing. Though you couldn't help but feel a little suspicious. This date almost seemed too perfect.

After finishing up dinner, Karno stood up and offered you his hand with a smile, "Shall we go?"

Smiling, you placed your hand in his and with a gentle squeeze the two of you left the restaurant.

"The sky is so clear tonight. It's like all the stars of the heavens are showing themselves." You said, smiling in awe at the beauty of the night.

Karno smiled, enjoying watching you look so taken by the night sky, "Watch this." He said, snapping his fingers.

"Ah." You gasped when tiny star floated around you like falling star dust. "It's so beautiful." Your mouth was agape at the mesmerizing scene.

Karno chuckled and gazed at you kindly, "Not as beautiful as the goddess in my eyes."

"K-Karno..." You blushed furiously as his comment but were then shocked when Karno suddenly got on one knee. Your breath got caught in your throat as you guessed just what was happening.

"___." Karno gently held one of your hands between both of his, "I learnt that humans do this often as a way of proposing... There is no one else in the whole universe I rather be with then you. I can only be happy living a life with you in it. ___, will you marry me?" Karno's words left you reeling. The sincerity in his tone and the gentle look in his eyes made your chest squeeze and your heart speed up.

Of course there was only one answer.

"Yes." With a hand in front of your mouth from shock, you gave your answer, tears brimming in your eyes.

Karno immediately stood up, the smile on his face more radiant than ever before. "I promise I will make you the happiest woman in the entire galaxy."

"" Tears were already flowing freely down your cheeks. You were overcome with happy emotions.

"Oh. I nearly forgot." Karno snapped his fingers and produced a ring. The most stunning silver ring embedded with tiny diamonds appeared in his hand.

The smile never left his face as he slipped the ring onto your finger. He then looked you in the eyes and lifted you off the ground, "We are going to be married!" He declared, his voice filled with joy.

All the while the stardust continued to shower down on you making for a truly magical moment. One neither of you would ever forget.

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