Danger- Leon

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You knew it was dangerous but you didn't care. Leon had been sent on a very dangerous mission take care of a rogue god who had been causing trouble. It was under the king's orders he was sent.

He didn't even want to tell you what it was he was doing for this very reason. He didn't want to worry you and even worse have you come looking for him in the heavens. But a certain prankster let it slip out and now here you were doing exactly what Leon wouldn't have wanted you to do.

"I know he will be angry with me but...but... If he were to die." Just thinking that made your chest grow tight and made you sick inside. But this was Leon you were talking about. There was no way he'd ever let another god kill him. ...Right?

You wanted so much to believe in him and his strength and yet you still couldn't help but fear what could happen.

You looked and looked for him despite all the dangers and upon a stroke of luck you actually chanced upon Leon. He was engaged in a fierce battle with the other god in a deserted area far away from life.

You gasped when you saw how badly beaten Leon's body was. It almost looked like the other god had the upper hand lest your eyes deceived you and that's what Leon was trying to make the other god believe so he could catch him off guard.

But then the god delivered what looked like a very painful blow to Leon's chest and he was sent flying backwards. You felt your blood run cold from just watching but despite that hit, Leon still got up and continued the fight. His clothes were tattered and he was covered in blood and bruises.

You couldn't watch anymore. You ran out to them and screamed for them to stop. Both gods were surprised to see you there but Leon had to act fast and he used this opportunity to deliver the final blow to the rogue god while you had distracted him.

The god fell to the ground unconscious and Leon wasted no time in locking him up and concealing his powers.

However, he looked far from impressed. He turned towards you with a frightful expression and began to march up to you.

"What in the heavens do you think you are doing here?!" He exclaimed, he was definitely mad.

You shrunk back from his terrifying gaze and started to tremble, "I'm sorry. I-I was just so worried. And then when I found you...you... you..." You couldn't even get the words out. Seeing Leon so badly beaten up was too painful.

You then heard a sigh come from his direction and the next moment he was leaning on your for support, "You foolish girl. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw you appear so suddenly but also...If you didn't I may not have had the chance to finish the fight like I did." He said and looked displeased with himself, "I can't believe I nearly let him beat me. The king was kidding when he said to be careful. That god was far too powerful."

You were just happy Leon was okay. What would have happened if he did die? You felt yourself tearing up just thinking about it.

"____?" Leon was surprised by your sudden embrace, you held him so tight as you sobbed in his chest.

"You are the foolish one. I was so worried about you. I was scared you would die and leave me all alone." You poured out your heart to him and all Leon could do was listen before returning your embrace.

"I could never do such a thing. If there is one thing I will never do I would never leave you." He assured you and gently pushed you back to get a better look at your face, "You always cry for me but that's one of the reasons your tears are so precious to me." Leon smiled fondly as he wiped the tears from your cheeks.

"Trust me when I say I love you far too much to ever leave you alone." He whispered in a kind and gentle voice before sealing your lips with his own.

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