Ichthys Cooking Adventure

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Ichthys sat you down on your bed, "Today leave everything to me." He declared with a big grin. "Are you sure...?" Ichthys had showed up at your apartment unexpectedly intent on treating you like his princess for the day. However, you couldn't help but feel worried, after all, he was a god. It's not like he would have much experience in the mundane everyday chores of a normal human. But he wouldn't take no for an answer and so you, though reluctant, allowed him to go through with his little plan.

"Just you wait, I will make you feel like a real princess!" Ichthys boldly declared and dashed off the the kitchen. You sighed as you watched him go, a faint smile on your lips. You patiently waited for him sitting on your bed and humming to yourself as he prepared breakfast for you.

'Hmm, I don't hear any explosions or smell smoke. In fact, I don't hear anything at all...' You were getting rather anxious from the silence in your apartment and got off your bed to go check on him. You treaded slowly as not to be heard and peeked around the corner of the room into the kitchen. Your eyes widened briefly before turning into one of amusement. There in the kitchen was Ichthys looking completely clueless as he looked through the fridge and various cupboards. Then you noticed the seriousness on his face and realized just how determined he was to get it done for you.

"How cute..." You muttered under your breath as you admired the lost little puppy of a god in the kitchen. You decided to leave him be and silently wished that his kitchen escapade would go over smoothly.

You went back to waiting on the bed, smiling to yourself as you thought of him still looking around helplessly.

"Ah! Hooooot!" You jumped when you heard what sounded like a yelp coming from the kitchen and dashed off your bed to check on Ichthys in the kitchen. Ichthys was blowing onto his hands to cool them down. Your eyes then glanced towards a steaming bowl on the bench; it looked like porridge. Ichthys realizing you were watching him looked at you with an innocent smile, "I made you porridge!" He spoke happily. You smiled at him with a small sigh, "How are your hands?"

Ichthys grinned and shrugged like he didn't know what you were talking about, "I was hoping to make you something a little...fancier, but this cooking stuff is really hard." He looked a little disappointed things didn't go as he planned but you didn't mind, it was the thought that counts and you couldn't have been happier; you were just glad he didn't set fire to the apartment.

"I think I respect you more now." Ichthys said and you looked surprised. "What do you mean?" You asked. "You cook everyday and I struggled to make even one meal. That's amazing." He looked astonished by something that was so simple among humans. To a god such simple things were incredible to them, after all, they do everything with a snap of their fingers.

You giggled and walked up to him, "I appreciate it. You really are my prince today." You said, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. Ichthys eyes widened, he looked stunned but then a big grin formed on his face, "I'll have to do it again." His eyes shone brightly, he seemed to be over the moon to have gotten that small kiss from you. Although, you weren't too confident on having him attempt to cook again; you thought it had to be your wish the Department Of Wishes heard that saved your kitchen.

You went to grab the bowl of porridge but didn't get the chance when Ichthys suddenly wrapped his arms around you, "I changed my mind," he leaned in closer and was inches from your ear, "I think I will have you for breakfast." his breath tickled your ears and you gasped. "What? But you just made the porridge..." You tried to wriggle out of his grasp but he was not going to let you go. He chuckled, "When you look at me with such an affectionate gaze there is no way I can resist. I will just reheat the porridge later... For now all I want is...you." He grinned and dragged you off to the bed. You resigned yourself to your fate. There was no way you would be getting away from him when he has his mind set on you, after all, Ichthys always got what he wanted, but only when it came to you. You never could turn down that mischievous grin of his and so now you would be at his mercy all day long.

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