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I sat in one of the lawn chairs as I watched Kato and Tarzan run around the pool. I heard the garage opening, I quickly stood up and ran into the living room, waiting for my mom to come in.

The door opened before Myra stepped in, she furrowed her eyebrows "well hi there," she said. I chuckled "well I was waiting for my mother, you just happened to walk through the door," I clarified.

She rolled her eyes "whatever Kameron. She's right behind me, she came and picked me up after her meeting," she said, walking past me.

Mom stepped into the house shortly after. "Sup my children, I brought pizza!" She said, I chuckled. I grabbed the 3 boxes from her arms before walking them into the kitchen.

Myra and Khadi stood against the island gossiping as I sat the boxes on the counter. "Dad stopped by earlier," Khadi blurted out "yea, he called," mom said nonchalantly pushing a slice into her mouth.

"So I might be transferring out of the Santa Clara district next semester," mom said. "Where are you transferring to?" Myra asked "here. There's an opening at yalls school for a 10th and 11th grade biology teacher," she said.

"Aren't you a math teacher though?" I asked "yea, but I also have a degree in science son," she said smartly. I chuckled "okay mother," I said back.


I laid the bed of a hotel nearby staring at the ceiling. All I could think about is what happened last night.

My hand connected to her face, I regretted it that very second. "I'm sorry Alana," I said, in shock. "No...get out," she said, tearing up.

"Alana please," I said pleading "get out!" She yelled louder "I love you and I hope you can forgive me," I said before starting down the stairs.

Once I opened the front door, Kato jumped at my feet. "You have to stay here buddy," I said, rubbing his fur.

He followed me into my car, so I gave up and took him with me. As I started to pull out of the garage, my vision became blurry, everything hit me.

I hit her. I hit Alana, I hit my wife. Why would I do that? I promised her I would never put my hands on her and I broke that promise.

I don't ever want to hurt her, but it's too late, I messed up and there's no going back.

I checked into a hotel and snuck Kato in with me. I rubbed his back as my tears spilled onto my pillow.

Next morning

I called her. I didn't expect her to her answer, but she did.


Her voice, I just love to hear her talk to me no matter if it's work drama or some stupid weight loss craze that she doesn't need because her body is perfect.

"Kalin are you okay?"

I sniffled, am I crying again?

" just called to hear you voice"

Did I just admit that? This woman is my wife and I'm flustered. I feel like I have a kiddy crush on her and she thinks I'm a creep.


"Where are you?"

"I'm on my way to a meeting, where'd you go last night?"

"I'm at a hotel with Kato"


"I didn't go out or get drunk or anything if that''s what you're thinking"

"No, I wasn't thinking that"

I could see her awkwardly running her nails on the armrest of her car.

"Can I take you to lunch tomorrow, I really wanna talk"

"I don't know Kalin"

"Please. I won't touch you I promise"

Did I just promise that I wouldn't touch her? She's my wife and I can barely resist her. Even if it's just my giant hands wrapped up in her tiny ones.


"Okay, I love you"

"Okay bye"

The line was cut. I wonder if she misses me the way I miss her? I miss running my long fingers through her soft blonde hair as she lightly snores I miss telling her I love before she goes to sleep, when she wakes up, and before she leaves me. Now she'll never love me, I've done the worst possible thing and I hate myself.

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