One hundred thirteen

16 0 0

Years later
Lemme catch you up! Avery and I had two kids, a boy first, Kian Joseph, then a girl 2 years later, Kylie Jo.

Kian is 16
Kylie is 14

It was around 10am when I woke up, Avery laid next to me on his phone. "Good morning," he said, sitting up and kissing my cheek.

"Why are you so upbeat, it's too early for that," I groaned, he chuckled. "I'm just excited that you're finally awake," he answered as I plopped onto my back.

He sat up on his elbow and faced me as he softly ran his index finger around my bare stomach underneath the covers. "So what are we doing today?" He asked "nothing's really planned for today, Kylie has a sleepover at Carla's house tonight," I told him.

"And KJ?" He asked "he's hanging with Tyrel but that's about it," I told him. "Sooooo somewhere in between we'll have some time to ourselves?" He asked, raising his eyebrow, I nodded.

"Okay great," he said with a smile, I got up from the bed "I'm gonna make breakfast before everyone gets up," I told him. "Okay I'm gonna shower," he said, getting out of bed and going into the bathroom.

I put on a shirt over my bra before walking down the hallway to the kitchen. I started the coffee maker and turned the radio on to the morning news station.

I began to stir pancake mix as the doorbell rang. That's weird, who's visiting at 10am? I opened the door to an auburn haired girl with blue eyes, she stood in the doorway with a suitcase and a hobo bag on her back.

"Um...hello," I greeted her awkwardly, trying to figure out why a child was standing in our doorway at 10 in the morning. "Hi, I'm looking for an Avery Hansen," she said, looking at some paper.

"That's my husband, who are you?" I asked "Kira, Kira Hansen," she answered. I froze as I put the pieces together in my head.

"He's my biological father," she said, answering my question "how old are you?" I asked "15," she answered. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, I couldn't think.

She handed me a note that read:

Dear Avery,

Remember our that night years ago, well it turns out we weren't as careful as we thought. It's been 15 years, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about her. She's your daughter and she needs you. I can't take care of her like you can, I know you're probably married with kids by now but she needs a proper family and you can give that to her. Her name's Kira Selese Hansen, she's 15 and was born in December 8. I'm sorry you had to find out this way


I couldn't believe my eyes. Not only did Avery cheat on me between our two kids, but he has another child. "Um...can you give me a second?" I asked her, she nodded.

I let her in before closing the door and running to our master bedroom. Avery stood by the bed putting his shirt on.

"Did you cheat on me?" I asked point blank, he furrowed his eyebrows "what? No, why would you ask that?" He asked. "You liar, I'm asking you right now, don't lie to me. Did you cheat on me?" I asked again.

"Khadi no," he spoke again, I started to shake in anger. "You son of a bitch I can't believe you!" I yelled as I threw the paper at him.

"Your proof just showed up on my doorstep," I said as he read the letter. He looked up at me "Khadi..." he started "don't you dare fucking let that bullshit come out of your mouth Avery," I yelled as I threw my clothes on the bed.

"Khadi it was a one time thing, I didn't mean for all of this to happen," he said as he followed me. "Yea I bet you didn't," I said as I threw the clothes into a bag.

"Khadi please listen," he said "you fucked some woman and got her pregnant when you knew you were a married man then you lied to me about it, there's nothing to hear," I said, pulling my charger out of the wall.

"Khadi Marie Hansen I love you so much, I love you more than I love myself you can't do this," he said, getting on his knees and crying. "Khadi Marie White, it's White," I said coldly before pulling my rings off and throwing them on the floor.

I dragged my suitcase out into the living room, Kyle and Kylie stood on the stairs "kids grab a few things and meet me in the car," I said. They ran upstairs, Avery came out of the room "Khadi don't do this, don't take them, don't leave me," he begged.

The kids quickly came downstairs and we walked toward the door "I love all of you," he said as I closed the door behind us.


I fell to the floor as my family left me behind. I looked over to the dining room area, a girl, my daughter, stood quietly.

I stood up and wiped my tears. "Let's talk," I said, motioning her to sit on the couch with me. She hesitated before taking a seat next to me. I couldn't help but stare, she looked exactly like me, nose and everything.

Grace Phipps as Kira Selese Hansen

Grace Phipps as Kira Selese Hansen

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Sofia Wylie as Kylie Jo White

Jaden Delarosa as Kian Joseph White

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Jaden Delarosa as Kian Joseph White

Jaden Delarosa as Kian Joseph White

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