ninety four

37 2 0

"Khadi?" He said as I said his name "you're Mr.Burke?" I asked, he held up the block on his desk. It read:

Ryder Burke

I sat still as my brain put the puzzle together "so your company is Burke Publications..." I concluded. "My dad's, Terrance Burke, he died and left he company to me. I'm Mr.Burke just now the Mr.Burke," he explained.

"So I should probably go then," I said awkwardly before standing up "what? No, just because you broke up with me doesn't mean I'm not gonna consider you for he job," he said, motioning for me to sit back down.

"Well I know you, I know that you put 100% into everything and I know you have a good eye for writing so you're hired," he said.

"Really?!" I asked "well if it's okay with your husband," he said, pointing to my ring. "Oh no it'll be fine, thank you so much Ryder!" I cheered before standing up.

"Okay you start next Monday at 10am," he said, I nodded before skipping out of his office.


I'd just left Sarah's house to tell her the good news. I feel kind of anxious and nervous to tell Avery, I just don't know how he would react.

I turned the door behind me "babe is that you?" He yelled from upstairs "yea!" I answered. "Okay I'm gonna hop in the shower, join me," he yelled back.

I skipped upstairs and got undressed before stepping into the shower with Avery. He pecked my lips "how was your interview?" He asked "um great I actually got the job," I answered hesitantantly.

"That's great!!! I knew they'd love you," he cheered "but um there's a catch," I started, he furrowed his brows in question.

"Um Ryder...he's my boss, I'm gonna be his assistant," I admitted. He began to laugh "wow. That's the craziest coincidence I've heard so far. Your ex boyfriend just so happens to be the owner of the company you want to work at?" He asked sarcastically.

"What are you saying, are you accusing me of wanting to work there because of him?" I asked, he raised his shoulders. "I don't know, you might," he said nonchalantly, I rolled my eyes "oh yea I want to be with him but you're in my way," I said sarcastically.

"Okay well be with him then," he said with a shrug, I rolled my eyes "oh shut up, you proposed to me this morning I don't want Ryder," I said annoyed.

"You say it like it's small. You proposed to me this morning," he mimicked, I sighed "it means the world to me that you want to be with me for the rest of your life and you know that," I told him.

"You just want me to agree to this bomb waiting to blow," he said in an annoyed tone "yea basically if that's what you wanna call it," I admitted.

"Ok but only because it's what you love and you know I'd never keep you from that," he answered.

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