one hundred twenty three

11 0 0

Next day

Ryder sat next to me as we looked over papers like we would normally do. I couldn't hold my focus as I stared at him while he rambled on about whatever we were discussing.

He looked up at me "is everything okay?" He asked, I nodded "do you need to talk about something?" He asked, I shook my head. He began rambling about the papers again as I stared at him, he turned to me again.

I leaned forward to pushed my lips against his, he pulled away and looked at me. "I'm sorry," I said as I put my head down, without a word he stood up and left my office.

I dropped my head to my desk, why did I do that? Our assistant, Kelly, popped into my office to remind me about the meeting we had with the publishing board.

I grabbed my files and walked down to the conference room, Ryder came in after me and took his seat to my left.

I didn't really interact during the meeting like I normally do, I added a yes or a nod when Ryder said something.

As we walked back to our office area, Ryder requested me in his. We went into his office before he closed the door behind me, he sat on his desk before turning his attention to me.

"I'm sorry it'll never happen again," I said, embarrassed. "Stop apologizing. Why'd you do it?" He asked "I thought maybe I had feelings for you or something," I answered truthfully.

"And do you?" He asked, standing up "I don't know," I told him. He stood above me now. He pushed my hair behind my ear, his touch sending chills down my spine.

He examined my face before kissing me, after a few long seconds, he pulled away. "I...I need to go. I'll be back tomorrow," I said before rushing out of his office.

What's wrong with me? I decided to buy the kids lunch and eat with them at school. I sat in the cafe and waited for the bell to ring, teenagers spilled into the cafeteria. Kian and Kylie came toward me "hey mom what's this?" Kyle asked.

"I just wanted to bring you guys some lunch and sit with you, where's Kira?" I asked. "She has next lunch," Kylie answered, I nodded.

I sat and listened as they told me about their hectic school day before kissing them goodbye and heading home.

I dropped my keys on the counter before walking to the master, Avery sat on the bed with his feet crossed at the ankles on his laptop.

"Oh I didn't know you would be home this early!" I pointed out in surprise. "Uh yea I took a day off today. Why are you home early?" He asked "I also took a day off," I lied.

He sighed "come here," he said, moving his laptop from his lap so I could sit. He caressed my cheek with his thumb "I'm sorry that I've been so moody lately I'm just stressed and swamped with my police work," he told me.

"It's fine Avery I understand. I'm not mad," I told him, mostly because I kissed Ryder and I had no room to hold grudges.

"I love you," he said before kissing my forehead "I'm gonna get in the bath, I'm kinda sore," I told him before getting up. "Do you need me to rub your back or anything?" He asked hopefully, I smiled "that would be super great!" I told him.

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