sixty three

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Myra and I got dressed for the party in our bathroom while blasting music

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Myra and I got dressed for the party in our bathroom while blasting music. Kameron popped in the door "me and Klaudia are gonna stay in tonight so text me if you guys are on your way back," he hinted.

"Oooohh get some bro," Myra said childishly, he rolled his eyes before closing the door. "Okay Kass is outside," she said, we rushed around the bathroom putting everything back in place.

I sprayed a little perfume on my skin before stumbling downstairs on Myra's heels. "Bye guys, have fun!" Klaudia yelled as we sprinted out the door.

We hopped in Kass's Jeep before he sped off. We pulled up at Taylor's huge house, I could see lights from the outside and feel the bass of the music in the driveway.

Once we stepped in everyone yelled and pulled us into the crowd "Avery would kill me if he knew I brought you here, keep a low profile," Kass said, I nodded.


After beer pong I was up to my 10th shot "drink! Drink! Drink!" Every yelled as the flash on their iPhones pointed at me. I don't even care, I just want to get my mind off of Avery and Kelsey.

"Damn!" Taylor said over everyone "let's dance!" I yelled, taking another shot. Taylor grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the dance floor/ living room.


I texted Khadi to let her know Kelsey was gonna be staying with us for a while. Once I was done, I opened snapchat to open all my notifs, once I was done I slid over to watch some stories. Everyone seemed to be at Taylor's party. One after one I started to see Khadi taking shots on everyone's snap, she was clearly drunk.

The last one included Taylor grabbing her hand and walking away with her, I quickly stood up and got dressed. I grabbed my keys and ran downstairs. I hopped into my car and sped to Taylor's house.

I ran into the smoke filled house and looked around for Khadi. I found her and Taylor dancing together in the corner, I grabbed her. "Oh come on, I was just having fun," Khadi slurred with a smirk.

"Your girl's definitely not a lightweight," Taylor slurred behind her. I quickly scooped her small body into my arms and carried her outside as she leaned her head onto my chest.

"Ugh put me down I wasn't done partying!!" She yelled in my face "Khadi you're drunk let's just go home," I said to her. "I don't wanna leave with you," she could barely say.

"Why not?" I asked, entertaining her "you're the reason I'm here, I don't want to think about you and Kelsey," she said quite clearly.

I put her into the passenger seat and buckled her in. "Let me know if you don't feel good okay?" I said to her as I started to drive. I decided to take her to my house, I wouldn't want her parents to see her like this.

Once we were at my house, I took her through the back door and up the back stairway. She groaned into my chest, Kelsey came out of the guest room and looked at us.

"Help me," I whispered desperately, she quickly opened my bedroom door and pulled the covers back on my bed. I laid Khadi down slowly "when she wakes up just make sure she gets a cold shower," she said before leaving my room and closing the door.

As she laid down I started to take off her clothes. I sat her up as she laid on my bed in her bra and panties, and slid one of my shirts over her head.

I went into her purse and found her makeup removal pads. "Ow what are you doing to me?" She whined as I wiped her face gently. "You're drunk and I know how you just have to take your makeup off before you go to bed, I specifically remember you telling me about it" I explained.

"I must be stupid," she slurred "you're very smart," I said back "you love her Avery," she whined. I sighed before slowly lying her back down on the pillow. I threw the pads away before sitting down next to my bed and watching her as she slept.

Next morning

I woke up to a sudden groan before Khadi got up and sprinted into my bathroom. I followed after her and held her hair back as she puked into my toilet.

"I feel horrible," she groaned, pulling away. She flushed the toilet before standing up "you got heavy wasted last night at Taylor's party, which I'm wondering why you were even there," I scolded.

"I just wanted to take my mind off things," she said "by going and poisoning yourself and partying?!" I said angrily raising my voice.

"I was there because of you. I wanted to stop thinking about you and Kelsey. Avery you still love her but you won't admit it," she said.

"How many damn times do I have to tell you this Khadi? She broke my heart, I don't love her. I love you. Stop pushing me away," I told her.

"I'm sorry that I'm insecure about this Avery. She's gorgeous and she's your first love, that person will always have some power over you and I can't match that," she said before walking out of he bathroom.

"Khad-" I said before she cut me off "I just wanna go home, my parents are probably waiting to ground me," she said, putting on some sweats that she left from last time.

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