sixty two

26 1 0


We left the movie theater around 9, I latched my arms around Avery as he swung me onto his back. His phone rang in his back pocket "Avery your phones ringing," I told him.

"Just answer it, it's probably Karson begging me to come home and play Call of Duty," he said shrugging. The contact read


I sighed before hopping off his back and handing him the phone, he looked at me then his phone before answering.

"What?" He said sternly

"I can't, call my dad,"

"I'll send you his number I'm not coming to get you Kelsey bye." He said angrily before hanging up.

"Honestly I'll leave her at the mall and let her figure out her way back to wherever she was before," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Let's just go get her and I'll go home so you can talk to your parents about letting her stay," I suggested. "I'm so sorry that she's ruining everything," he said, opening the passenger door for me.

I sat down and sighed as he ran around the front of the truck. Is it bad that I can't deal with this? I've just learned of his first love and now all of a sudden she's back, not a coincidence.

He started the car as these thoughts ran through my mind. Ugh can't I just ever be happy without something getting in the way?!

We pulled up by one of the mall exits before she got into the backseat. "Hey sexy," she said to Avery, I rolled my eyes.

After a few minutes we finally pulled up at my house, I opened the door. Avery kissed my cheek, almost missing it considering I stepped out so quickly.

"I love you," he yelled out the window as Kelsey hopped in the front. I continued walking into the house without turning back.

Myra sat on the couch eating popcorn, contently staring at the tv. "What are you watching?" I asked "Moana, wanna watch?" She asked "no I'm good, I kinda just want to go to bed," I said, heading upstairs.

After my shower I plopped into bed and stared at the ceiling before Myra came in. "So what's going on? You seem quiet," she said, sitting next to me.

I explained the whole situation before sighing "Khadi Avery loves you okay, I know this is hard but she'll be gone after a while and it'll be back to you and Avery," she told me.

I nodded "what are you doing tomorrow? We should have a girls day," I suggested "can't, me and Kass are going to Taylor's party, you can come if you want," she answered.

"Neh, I'll stay home," I said before rolling over.

Next morning

I woke up to a text from Avery

My Prince❤️💍

Good morning beautiful I'm truly sorry about last night. My parents need me home today to deal with all of the Kelsey drama so I'm sorry we can't hang out today:( I'll let you know the outcome, but I love you and maybe you'll enjoy a break from me😂have a great day my princess☹️❤️

K- it's okay I love you and I definitely won't enjoy a break from you🙄❤️

I sighed before getting out of bed and heading downstairs. Mom sat at the bar looking over some papers while dad cooked in the kitchen. "Good morning my love," mom said kissing my forehead "good morning mom, what are you doing?" I asked, leaning on her shoulder.

"I have been put in charge of filling out grants unfortunately," she said "what are you doing up so early, you're usually the last one up," dad asked.

"I couldn't sleep I guess," I said, popping a seat next to mom. "So are you ready for soccer tryouts on Monday?" Mom asked "for sure! But I have dance around 5 so I'll need to be picked up early," I reminded her.

"Yes ma'am I'll take you home with me," mom said, pushing her glasses onto her face. "So what are you and Avery up to today?" She asked "nothing, I'm having a me day, I might hang with Myra and Kass later," I answered.

She nodded before turning back to her papers. Myra came down the stairs next, yawning loudly "good morning sweetheart, did you have a good sleep?" Mom asked her, kissing her forehead.

"The best," Myra answered, she chuckled. "So mom and I are having date night later so we'll be gone for most of the night," dad said as Myra sat next to me.

"I think I wanna go to that party with you and Kass," I told her.

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