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We dropped Myra off last night and I didn't agree with it. I hate how she thinks she can only stay over days at a time when my parents don't care how long she stays.

I was jogging with Kato and Tarzan when she texted me

Myra- Kameron?


Myra- can you talk to me, my parents are fighting and I'm scared

Are you okay?

Myra- yes I just want to get my mind off of it

Why did you go home?

Myra- you know I don't like to be over there for longer than a week

Myra stop doing that. You know my parents don't mind

Myra- I think my dad hit my mom and he's banging on my door, I have to go

My eyes widened. Fuck no. He's not hurting her. I ran back home and let Kato and Tarzan into the backyard.

Myra lived 6 blocks away from the main roads. I ran to her house and got there In 20 minutes, I heard yelling and screaming in the yard. I opened the door to Myra crying next to her mom as her dad stood in front of them with a bottle.

He turned to me, I did not think this through.


"Kameron!" I yelled "he went to walk Tarzan and Kato," Khadi yelled. I heard scratching at the back door, I let the dogs I by Kameron wasn't with them.

"Where's Kameron?!" I yelled in panic, Dad came towards me "he's not in the house," he said. I pulled my phone out to call him, but he didn't answer.

"Oh my God, where's my son?" I cried. "Maybe he has Find my IPhone enabled," Kalin said, I opened the app and luckily he did.

"He's at Myra's house," I spoke "oh no," Kalin said, he hurried to grab the keys, Khadi and I followed and got into the car.

We sped to Myra'a house. Kalin and I got out of the truck and ran into the house. Kameron's eye was black, Kalin's eyes widened.

"You put you hands on my son," he said with his teeth gritted together. Kalin ran toward him, constantly punching him in the face. I ran over to Kameron, Myra, and Frieda (Myra's mom) "what happened? Are you guys okay?" I asked.

"He tried to hit her after me but I wouldn't let him," Frieda answered "and Kameron stepped in," Myra said lowly.

I helped them up "go to the truck, we'll take you home with us," I said to Frieda and Myra. I held Kameron back "were having a talk when we get home, call the police now" I said sternly.

He nodded before following them to the truck. Kalin and Gerald were against the wall, going at each other. I pulled Kalin away only to be slapped by Gerald "my wife...I'm gonna fucking kill you, you son of a bitch," he said punching him again.

"Baby please stop!" I yelled, he froze in his punching position at the sound of my voice. "You better be goddamn lucky she saved you, I would've killed you on the spot you asshole," Kalin said, letting go of him.

Police filled the house, asking one thousand questions. After an hour, they finally took Gerald into custody and let us go.

We got back into the truck and silently drove home.

Once we were home I showed Frieda around the house. "This is a lovely home you have, thank you for letting me stay the night," she said thankfully.

"No problem, here's your room for the night," I said, showing her into a guest room, she smiled. "The bathrooms over there and I'll bring you some clothes to wear to bed," I said before leaving the room.

"Kameron Elijah and Kalin Jure White, upstairs now," I said angrily. They fearfully followed behind me and into our room.

They stood side by side waiting for me to chew them out. "Kalin I don't know what that was tonight. That should have never happened, you were out of control and you could've killed him," I started.

"Kameron White you're grounded for a month. What the hell were you thinking, you broke multiple rules. Leaving without permission or even letting us know, going over there. What if we couldn't track your phone Kameron? You didn't think about what could happen, you could've have been killed. I know you want to be the hero, but you can't save everyone. Give me your phone," I said.

"But mom it-" he whined before I cut him off "no buts Kameron, give it to me now," I said, holding my ground. He handed me his phone before angrily walking to his room.

Kalin stood there awkwardly waiting for me to talk. "Alana we should've at least asked what happened," he said "Kalin I don't care, something worse than that could have happened to him and we wouldn't have known. This is my son and anything could have happened," I said.

"He's our son and I'm gonna go talk to him," Kalin said, leaving the room. I sighed.


I knocked on Kameron's door before stepping into his room. "What? Are you gonna chew me out too?" He asked annoyed, I chuckled. "No Kam, I want to hear what happened," I said, sitting on the end of his bed.

He sat up "I was walking the dogs and Myra texted me. It was chill at first but then she said she was scared, so I went over and I was just gonna sneak her out but her dad hit her," he said.

"So you have feelings for Myra?" I asked "I don't know. I just wanted to help her," he answered. "Kameron you can't just act without consulting me or your mom, we could've stepped in and helped, you're 16, not Clark Kent," I said.

"Yes dad, I know. But you also started beating the guy to death," he said. "I say that he hit you and I couldn't control myself," I said truthfully "I love you son, now get an ice pack on your eye," I said, standing up.

"Goodnight dad,"

"Goodnight Kam,"

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