forty three

29 1 0

I went into the bathroom to fix my belt. I stood in one of the stalls fidgeting with it until I heard someone come in.

"I don't understand why Avery's dating her," one voice said.

"I highly doubt his parents want their baby to be half black," another said

"It's probably because she has just as much money as them if not, more," the first one said again.

I opened the stall door, both of the blonde girls gasped. I hurried out of the bathroom before they could see me crying.

"Kha-" Avery called me down the hallway before I ran past him "Khadi wait!" He yelled, running after me.

I went out into the courtyard and sat against the wall, he bent down in front of me and met my face. I quickly put my head down so he couldn't see my red, tear-stained face.

He softly laid his face on both sides of my face before raising it up to meet his. "What happened Khadi?" He asked "nothing Avery," I said, pushing his hands away from my face and standing up.

"It's stupid, I need to get to class I'll see you later," I said briskly waking away.

After school I grabbed my books and headed to the parking lot. I felt someone grab my arm "I'm so sorry Khadi, I heard what happened," Avery said hugging me.

I cried into his chest, he pulled away and looked directly into my eyes. "I don't care if your skin is albino, blue, purple, or rainbow. You have a beautiful skin color and me nor my family would judge you by the amount of melanin in your skin. You have a gorgeous personality along with gorgeous looks and they're just jealous of that," he started.

"The point is, I'm not with you because of money or looks, im with you because I want to be. Superficial stuff doesn't matter to me Khadi," he finished.

"It's not you that I'm mad at Avery, I wouldn't accuse you of that I promise. I don't know I guess I'm mad at myself for letting that get to me. So what I'm mixed, its never bothered me before except for in that moment and I hated it," I said.

"But thanks so much for everything you just said Avery," I said sincerely. He hugged me again before kissing my forehead.

"Do you want me to come home with you?" He asked "as much as I would love that, not today," I answered, he gave me an adorable sad face.

His perfect forehead wrinkled up as his bottom lip curled outward, I smiled. "You're so cute, but not today Avery," I said, trying to fight the 'nevermind please come distract me while I pretend to focus on homework' from coming out.

My dad pulled up, he kissed my cheek before I hopped in the truck. "Hi Mr.White!" Avery yelled before we left.


I groaned as my phone vibrated loudly on my nightstand, the caller ID read:



"Babe I can't sleep. I miss you," he groaned

"Avery Hansen its 2:03 in the morning" I whined

"Khadi White I know what time it is but I miss you and I can't sleep"

I smiled in the darkness.

"Do you want me to stay on the phone with you until you fall asleep?" I asked

"No I'm on my way over"

"Avery! You shouldn't be driving this early in the morning!!"

"You're half asleep and you're still worried about me. I'm already outside I'll be at your window in a few,"

He hung up. I slowly stepped out of bed and opened my window before he climbed in.

He hugged me, I inhaled his cologne as I slowly fell asleep on his shoulder. He chuckled before lying me back into bed.

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