one hundred four

14 0 0

I sat bedside as Avery slept, nurse Johnson came in. "Happy discharge day!" She cheered, I High fived her. "Sooo I brought you a whole packet of discharge papers," she said with a frown, I chuckled.

I read through the papers before scribbling k.hansen on all of the dotted lines. "So here are his prescriptions," she said, handing me more papers "you can get them at your local pharmacies," she finished, I nodded.

"We'll bring a wheelchair in, do you need any help, he's huge!" She said, I chuckled. "Just maybe you can show me how to get him into the car," I told her "of course, John's gonna wheel him down," she told me.

She left the room before I grabbed Avery's hand. He stirred in his sleep before slowly opening his eyes, revealing his pretty Sea blue orbs.

I smiled "good afternoon my love, we're going home!" I said before kissing his hand. He sighed "how long do I have to be away from work?" He asked "a month Avery," I answered.

He groaned "please don't fight me on this, you know where I'm coming from," I whined

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