One hundred fourteen

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"'re my dad," she said, breaking the ice, I nodded "I'm sorry for coming here and ruining things, I just wanted to find you" she said sincerely.

"No it's okay truly," I told her "so how did you find me?" I asked curiously. "Um well your dad, Joe Hansen is one of the most talked about inventors back in Nevada. So I saw that he had two sons and one of them was you. My mom would never tell me who you were so I looked for myself. I looked a lot like you so I asked and she couldn't deny," she explained.

"It was tough growing up without you, everyone at school teased me. They all had cool dads that came to all of their games to yell and embarrass them in the bleachers," she said.

"I'm so sorry, your mom never told me about you, I would've been there for you," I told her. "It's okay really! I just wanted to meet you. I see you have a nice family," she said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Um yea," I said with a smile, I reached over and grabbed the 5 x 7 family portrait on the table and showed her. "That's my son Kian, he's 16 and he loooooves band and soccer, he's a drum major and the captain of the soccer like I was. And that's my daughter Kylie, she's 14, she's into cheerleading and track," I smiled as I told her about them.

"They seem great, what about your wife?" She asked, which brought me back to the image of her throwing her wedding and engagement rings in my face.

"Yea, and that's my Khadi," I started "she's truly my heart, we've been married for a little more than 17 years but I've loved her since 10th grade, she's my world," I told her. She smiled "you seem like a great dad and a great husband," she said, I thanked her.

"So tell me about you Kira," I said, turning to her "well...I like singing, theatre, and I guess you could call me a tech nerd," she said. "Wow so you're into more of the fine arts category?" I asked, she nodded.

We spent the whole night talking and laughing. "It's about 11, I'm gonna head to bed, I can show you the room you can sleep in," I told her, she nodded.

I took her upstairs and showed her the guest room next to Kyle's room before going back downstairs to me and Khadi's room.

I picked up my phone to call her but she went straight to voicemail. I simply texted her

I love you

She'll come back to me, she has to. What if she doesn't? I began to cry silently as I laid in our bed.

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