fifty six

28 1 0

I'd just came back from dropping Carter off at the airport.
I sat on the couch strolling through Instagram, I saw that Avery posted a picture earlier. He told me he went boxing with his dad.

Girls were obsessing over him in the comment section but he didn't reply

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Girls were obsessing over him in the comment section but he didn't reply. I left a comment

@khadiwhite: ohmygosh babe😍😍you're so hot😭

He instantly replied

@averyhansen: @khadiwhite thank you, I love you beautiful ❤️❤️

I smiled.


Mom rushed around the kitchen, trying to put all of the food together quickly. The doorbell rang "I'll get it!" Kameron yelled, soon the Hansen family came into our living room "you guys are early!!" Mom cheered.

Myra was setting the table "Hey I'm Khadi's mom, Alana, that's her sister Myra and her brother Kameron," mom said, hugging Sarah.

"I'm Sarah, this is my husband Joe, our younger son Karson, and you already know Avery," Sarah said with a smile. Mom gave them all a hug as Sarah wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek. "Sorry my husband's running a little late from work, he should be here in a few minutes," mom said.

"Hey Kar," I said to Karson, doing our handshake. Sarah gasped "how far along are you?" She asked mom excitedly "3 months," mom answered with a smile.

"Boy or girl?" She asked, mom whispered the answer in her ear because mom and dad decided they didn't want us to know the gender until he or she is born.

"Aw that's so sweet," Sarah said, smiling ear to ear. "Do you mind if I burrow you for some help in the kitchen?" Mom asked her "oh of course!" Sarah said excitedly, following mom into the kitchen.

"I could turn on the game until the foods ready if you'd like," I told Joe "that'd be great Khadi," he said, sitting on the couch. I turned on the tv to the Clemson v. Alabama game for him.

Karson was in the dining room bonding with Kameron. I finally went to Avery and hugged him "I'm really gonna miss you," he said into my ear.

"Me too, but on the bright side you get to hang with your friends, yunno have some guy time," I said "but I hang out with them everyday, I want some Khadi time," he whined.

I chuckled "you're honestly the cutest thing," I said, kissing him, he smiled. Dad finally came in the front door "I'm so sorry I'm late sweetheart!" He said, kissing mom's forehead.

"This is Sarah and Joe Hansen, Avery's parents," I told him, he gave Sarah a hug and shook Joe's hand. "And this is his little brother Karson," I finished, he fist bumped him.

"Are you watching the Clemson game?! I've been waiting all season for this!" Dad said excitedly "for sure, let's watch," Joe said back. "I'll grab some beers," dad said before joining him on the couch.

We headed upstairs and into my room before closing the door. "So I have a gift for you," I said excitedly "Khadi you know how I feel about you spending money on me," he whined "and so do you yet you still buy me things! You'll love it," I said, pulling out the box.

"So since football season is almost over and soccer season is starting up, I thought you'd need these," I said, handing him the Adidas box.

He opened the box with wide eyes "you didn't!!" He said in a shocked tone "I did," I said smirking. I got him the cleats he's been dying to get because according to him they're the best of the best.

"Thank you so much! I love you!!!" He said, hugging me tightly "you're welcome," I said into his chest as he suffocated me. "How'd you know? I didn't think you were listening" He said "I always listen Avery, I listen to everything you say to me an take it into consideration," I informed him.

He smiled "Khadi White you amaze me," he said in aw. "Dinners ready!!" Mom yelled from downstairs, he grabbed my hand and walked me downstairs.

We took our seat at the dining room table that we rarely use.

Dinner was filled with laughter and funny stories. Mom and Sarah were in the kitchen cleaning up while dad and Joe were in the living room screaming at the Clemson game.

I guess you could say everything went well. Avery and I sat with our feet in the pool in the backyard. I leaned my head on his shoulder as we watched the stars shine in the sky.

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