Eighty two

36 2 4

One year later

We go off to start our college classes tomorrow and I don't know how to feel. I decided to go to Clemson and Avery got 6 scholarships and chose to go to Harvard.

After hours of long distance relationship debates we've decided to break up. The decision was mostly my choice. Although I didn't wanna break it off I didn't want to torture him and make him wait and think we'll have a chance after college.

I hope we do, but we'll be different people and we may not be that into each other.

I sat down on my bed and sighed. Avery crept into my room before closing the door, he sat next to me. "Khadi...I don't know what to say right now, I don't want this at all. I wanna be with you," he said.

I began to cry "me neither Avery," I cried into his chest as he pulled me into his arms. "I love you and I will always love you," he said to me "and I love you too I just wish we could go to college together," I whined.

I kissed him "okay okay let's stop the waterworks and spend our last day together having fun," I said, wiping my tears. He weakly smiled "okay baby lets go," he said as he grabbed my hand and stood up.

Man I'm gonna miss him calling me that. We walked down the stairs "hi sweetheart are you guys going out?" Mom asked. I nodded "okay have fun! We won't wait up!" She said, trying to cheer me up.

He opened the passenger door for me for the last time before I slipped into the seat. This was the last time I'd be in Avery's car for a while. He soon joined me in the driver's seat.

He connected his phone to Bluetooth and started playing As You Are by The Weeknd. I held his hand as we sang together, he began to drive through the woods.

I was confused at first but then I finally understood. He's taking me to the lake where he asked me to be his girlfriend, I began to tear up.

He put his car in park and yanked the key from the ignition before getting out. He opened the door for me before grabbing my hand and walking me through the woods to the lake.

We sat in the sand by the edge of the water. "You were so scared to jump in with me," he said with a chuckle. "Hey! In my defense I couldn't swim," I scolded him as I hit his arm.

"And then you asked me to be your girlfriend," I continued, he smiled "I would go back and do it again a million times, it was the best thing, you were the best thing that ever happened to me," he said.


He parked in my driveway and turned off his car. We sat in silence "I don't wanna get out because I know this will be my last time," I told him, he turned to me.

He rested his hands on my cheeks "I want you to have fun in college, don't ever worry about me okay. If you ever need to talk I will never change my number. I don't want to leave you but I know it's what you want and you know I wouldn't say no to you. You will always be the love of my life, if we're meant to be with each other then we'll meet again I promise. I love you okay," he said, tears spilling from his eyes.

"And I love you," I said before kissing him.

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