thirty nine

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We took our seats at a large table. Avery sat on my left and Myra sat on my right "so Avery what are your plans after high school?" My dad asked.

"I'm so sorry in advance," I whispered, he chuckled "no it's fine," he told me. "Well I could either get a scholarship for soccer, football, or baseball. If that doesn't happen then I'm going to school to be a police officer," he told him.

"Wow that sounds great! Kameron doesn't even know what he wants to do," mom said, Kameron rolled his eyes. Before anyone could say anything else, our food came.

We headed to the car "I'll take her home if you guys don't mind," Avery offered, dad narrowed his eyes. "Sure we'll meet you there," mom answered, he grabbed my hand and walked me to his car.

I slid into the passenger seat and waited until he joined me on the other side. I looked over at him as he turned the key, he turned to me.

"Yes?" He asked with an adorable grin "I really don't understand," I said. "Understand what?" He asked as he backed out of the spot.

"Your interest in me. You're frickin Avery Hansen you can get any girl you want and you want to get to know me..." I trailed.

"And you're frickin Khadi White, a smart, beautiful girl that can get any guy," he countered "you amaze me Avery Hansen," I said, sitting back against the seat.

He chuckled before turning on the radio. " I wanna hang out tomorrow, you up?" He asked "sure, what do you have in mind?" I asked.

"Just bring a swimsuit," he said "what?! Avery it's only 70 out this week," I pointed out. "Khadi trust me," he said.

We pulled up at our new house. "Bye," he said, leaning over and kissing my cheek before I got out.

I went into the house to be welcomed by Kato and Tarzan jumping at my feet. I ran upstairs and into my room, Myra laid on the bed.

"Myra why are you in here? You have your own room now!" I pointed out "well yea but I was waiting for you to get home for details duh," she said, sitting up.

"Nothing really happened, but were hanging it tomorrow," I admitted "oohhh okay. I'm just trying to figure out why he hasn't asked you to be his girlfriend yet," she said curiously.

"He's probably just figuring out if he really wants to be with me or be friends," I shrugged although I really like him and I want him to like me.

Next day

Avery texted that he was on his way. I quickly got up and put on shorts and a cropped Adidas hoodie before showing my bathing suit into a bag.

I'm outside (:

I hurried downstairs "bye mom," I yelled before nearly running it the door. Avery stood on the passenger side of his car, waiting for me.

"Hello gorgeous," he said, opening the door for me, I slid into the seat before he closed the door. "So where are you going mister mystery?" I asked.

"You'll see missy," he countered, I playfully rolled my eyes. We drove in a comfortable silence with The Weeknd playing.

"Is it me or are The Weeknd's songs always either about deep feelings, his player ways, or sex?" I asked, he hummed "wow you're right," he said surprised.

"It seems like every artist is singing or rapping about sex honestly, what's the hype in almost having a baby?" I asked curiously.

He shrugged "you're a virgin?" He asked "yea I'm just trying to lay low and either way I'm too ugly for someone to try that with me," I answered, he rolled his eyes at the last part.

"Are you?" I asked "no...." he answered "oh." Why did I feel a little hurt that he isn't a virgin? He's hot, of course he's not. "It was stupid and it was with someone that had no place in my life, it just kinda happened," he continued.

I nodded before looking out the windows to see that we were in the woods. "Avery where are we going?" I asked "to a secret lake I used to swim in with my best friends when I was 10," he answered.

"It's a secret and you're telling me about it?!" I gasped playfully, he chuckled "I can trust you," he said.

We finally stopped on the side of the road "we'll walk from here," he said, opening the door. Once I stepped out I'd remembered that I had my bathing suit in a bag.

"Hey I kinda didn't put on my swimsuit under my clothes, do you mind if I..?" I asked "oh sure, I'll stand over there," he said, walking toward an unknown tree.

I hurried and slipped on my bottoms before sliding my shirts on top. I put on the first part of the top but it had to be tied "hey Avery, can you help?" I called out to him.

He rushed to me before I turned around. I jumped at his sudden touch, his big hands on my back, he slowly tied thee string before letting me go.

"You ready?" He asked as I turned to face him, I nodded. He grabbed my hand and walked me about 15 minutes into the woods before a huge lake with waterfalls was revealed.

"Wow it's gorgeous!" I gawked in aw. He pulled off his button up and his pants. He stood in front of me in his black Calvin Klein boxer briefs, his veins pushing perfectly against his skin, his bulge against his underwear.

Snap out of it and stop staring Khadi!!! "Khadi?" He asked "huh?" I quickly answered "let's get in," he said, running to the boarded bridge that led into the lake. He instantly jumped in.

After a few seconds he popped back up with his wet, perfect, brown hair all spiked. "Woah! That was great! You're next Khadi!" He yelled.

"I...don't know, is this sanitary?" I asked "probably not but I've swam in it for years you'll be fine," he said, shrugging it off.

"Okay...I don't know how to swim," I finally admitted, he smiled "you're adorable Khadi. Just come in, I'll keep you up," he said.

"You promise?" I asked hesitantly "yes Khadi I promise," he said sincerely. I slipped off my shorts before running the boards and jumping into the lake.

I swam up before Avery grabbed me and held me close. "Wow it's so warm," I pointed out, he smiled "yea it's a natural, healing water lake, it happens to be warm all the time," he said.

"Lets go to the waterfalls," he said, turning in that direction "but doesn't it get deep over there?" I asked in fear. "It's fine Khadi, just hold onto me," he said as he swam.

I wrapped my legs and arms around him as we made our way to the waterfalls. "This might get a little splashy," he said without warning.

Suddenly we were sipping under he waterfall, being drenched in pounds of water. We were finally out on the other side "Avery!!!" I groaned, he chuckled, holding onto me tighter and closer.

I pushed my soaked hair back off of my face so I could see his baby blue eyes staring back at me. "Khadi?"


"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I couldn't contain my smile, he mirrored me "yes," I finally answered. We both leaned in and kissed each other.

"Yes! Now I finally don't have to apologize for kissing you," he said before pecking my lips again.

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