fifty two

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"I got this!" Kass said with a sly smirk before turning to the glass bottles. I watched as he tossed the rings and landed all of them around a bottle top.

He took a bow before handing me the giant unicorn he own. I jumped around applauding for him, he chuckled.

By now it was dark and the Ferris wheel stood lit up in front of us. He grabbed my hand before pulling me into a cart.

I sat next to him and leaned onto his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me. He ran his soft fingertips along my shoulder.

"This is totally random and I hate to ruin the moment but you have great hair and I've been dying to get my hands in it all day," I blurted.

He laughed "thank you I've been growing it out since 7th grade," he added "your hairs not so bad itself, but definitely not as great as mine of course" he said smartly.

I smacked my lips "you got jokes I see," I said, pretending to be annoyed. "Sure sure, but you'll definitely get to play in it next time" he said, I raised my eyebrow.

"So there's gonna be a next time?" I asked, looking at him "guaranteed" he said before softly attaching his lips to mine.

Next day

I left 2nd period before hurrying to my locker. I had to grab my stuff quickly so I could run into Klaudia before she headed to class.

Who's Klaudia you ask? She's a beautiful Latina who's lowkey had a crush on Kameron for the longest. She's smart, funny, great personality all around. She would be perfect for my brother.

"Hey Klaudia wait up!" I yelled after her "oh hey Khadi," she said flashing her gorgeous perfect teeth. "How would you feel about hanging out with my brother?" I asked "I'd love to hang out with Kameron but he doesn't seem to have any interest in me," she said shyly.

"He just doesn't pay attention, you know boys," I shrugged "but yea come over this weekend, I'll send you our address," I finished, she nodded before giving me her number.


I parked in Avery's driveway before ringing the doorbell, Karson answered. "Hey Karson is your brother home?" I asked "yea he's upstairs," he said, looking down at his phone.

I jogged upstairs and into Avery's room, he laid in bed on his phone. "You don't look like you have the flu," I said suspiciously, he jumped in surprise.

"What are you doing here?!" He asked "I told you I would bring your makeup work and my mom made you chicken noodle soup," I told him "why'd you lie about being sick?" I asked.

"I didn't. I had a cold," he said sharply, I furrowed my eyebrows. "Are you mad at me? Did you not want me to come see you?" I asked on the verge of crying.

"Yea Khadi I am mad at you," he said, standing up and walking past me and over to his desk. "Avery what did I do?" I asked, genuinely curious. "I don't care if Karter is gay, he's overstepping," he said angrily.

"What do you mean?" I asked "I'm tired of him getting in my way, every time I wanna get closer to you he's always there to interfere," he said, clenching his jaw.

I was fuming with anger and hurt at the same "Avery don't be like that. I try so hard everyday to be a good girlfriend to you because I know there's a line of girls waiting to take my spot. I deal with girls surrounding your locker every period, flirting with you in my face, and much more everyday. I don't complain or say anything about it Avery but you can't deal with my best friend for the rest of this week?!" I said, crying.

He rested his hand on my cheek "I'm sorry Khadi, I'm sorry that I haven't been paying attention or considering how you felt about it," he said softly.

"I'm so sorry that I've worked myself up about it, I don't wanna be clingy and annoying. It's just that I love you so much and I forget that sometimes. I don't have any complaints Avery you're a great boyfriend," I said.

He smiled widely "why are you smiling?" I asked "you love me? He asked, I gasped "wow I didn't mean to say tha-" I said before he cut me off with a kiss.

"I love you too Khadi," he said, smiling even wider, I smiled "I didn't wanna tell you and scare you off," I admitted. "I was thinking the same thing, I was constantly telling Kass about it and he was pushing me to tell you but I don't know...I was scared," he said.

"It's okay I understand," I told him "but listen don't ever worry about any of those girls okay. I don't even entertain them and I haven't for a reason," he said before kissing my forehead.

"Okay I'm gonna head home, I just wanted to check on you," I said, pulling away "no stay with me tonight, I missed you" he whined, pulling me toward him. I've never stayed over at Avery's, he's always at my house.

"Spend the night?" I asked "yes spend the night Khadi," he said, pretending to be annoyed. "I don't know, I have to study for the test tomorrow," I told him.

"Ugh Khadi come on I'll help you," he groaned "okay fine, I'm gonna go home and grab some stuff," I finally said, he smiled.

"Yes! Okay see you then," he cheered, kissing my forehead.

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