forty seven

33 1 0

Next day

Avery, Myra, and I sat at the bar in the kitchen explaining the whole pep rally to dad. "Yea and then Khadi killed the end when she blew a kiss to Riley," Avery gloated.

"Wow Khadi sounds like you humiliated her," dad said laughing, the doorbell rang. We all went into the living room, dad opened the door "heyyyy," he said excitedly, hugging whoever was outside.

Soon Karter walked into the living room, I screamed "Khadi, my baby, my boo, the love of my life!" He said as I jumped into his arms. "Karter, my love, my boo, my one and only!!!!" I said almost crying on his shoulder.

"I missed you so much babe!!!!" He said "I missed you too, alright we're making plans for the whole week you're here," I told him.

He finally put me down, I turned around to Avery who didn't seem excited about his presence. "Karter this is my boyfriend Avery, Avery this is my best friend Karter," I said awkwardly.

"Hi," they both said at the same time. "Um Khadi I have to go, I'll call you later," Avery said, grabbing his jacket and walking out the door, I followed him.

"Avery where are you going?" I asked "home," he answered bluntly "why? I thought you were staying over," I whined.

"Khadi I just wanna go home just stop," he said, yanking his arm away from me. I gasped in surprise before he got in his car and sped off.

I walked back into the house with a fake smile "alright Karter I'll show you to your room," I told him, leading him upstairs. "Your boyfriend doesn't like me does he?" He asked unhappily.

"No it's not you I've kinda just made him mad before this," I lied, he frowned. I opened the door to the guest room and showed him around the house before going into my room.

I texted Avery

I'm sorry can you please call me at least?

It says that he read it ten minutes ago, I sighed as I put my phone down. I really hope he forgives me for whatever I did before my birthday tomorrow.

I just want him. To be with him all day and not worry about anything. I love being with him, it's so easy and carefree.

I took a shower before lying in bed alone, Karter came in and sat on the edge. "What's wrong Didi?" He asked "Avery, I just miss him," I answered.

"It's okay he'll come around, how long have you two been dating?" He asked curiously. "2 months," I told him "aww I'm so happy for you," he said, standing.

"Well I'm gonna head to bed, your glo day is in a few hours!!!" He cheered before walking out of my room. I pulled my covers above my head before closing my eyes.

Next morning

I opened my eyes to Avery lying next to me, contently staring at me. I gasped "before you ask, I've been here since 7am, happy birthday sweetheart" he spoke, I smiled.

"Thank you. I'm so glad you're here Avery. I'm sorry for what I did yesterday," I told him "no I'm sorry that I was angry with you. I shouldn't have been jealous, you guys have known each other for a long time," he said.

I furrowed my eyebrows "you were jealous?" I asked, confused. "Yea you did call him your babe, your one and only, etc and he did call you the love of his life," Avery listed.

"Oh no babe we've known each other for a long time and he wouldn't like me anyway," I told him "why wouldn't he like you?" He asked curiously. "Avery he has a boyfriend and they've been dating for 3 years." I told him.

He slapped his head "wow I'm such an idiot I'm so sorry for being a jealous jerk," he said shaking his head.

"No it's fine, I've never seen you so possessive," I told him, he raised an eyebrow. "Happy birthday Khadi!" Everyone yelled, coming in the room.

I smiled "thanks," I countered "well you guys will get your presents later, Avery wants to take you out so go ahead and have fun" dad said, I nodded.

Everyone filed out of my room, I looked back at Avery "so where are we off to today?" I asked excitedly.

"Well I was thinking I could take you shopping, a nice dinner, walk on the beach, then we could come back here and have a little movie night," he explained "how does that sound?" He asked.

"I don't care if we're sitting at home all day I just wanna be with you," I told him, he softly kissed my forehead. "Okay I'll let you get dressed so I'll head downstairs," he said, getting up.

"Nooooo stay up here with me while I get dressed," I whined, he chuckled "okay I'll wait here while you change," he decided before sitting down on the bed.

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