eighty one

32 1 0

I sat against my headboard as I worked on my science project before my phone started ringing. The caller ID read:

My Prince ❤️💍

I swiped right to answer

K: hey baby what's up? Aren't you you supposed to be playing??

A: yes but I realized that I left my mouth guard and headband at your house

K: Avery I know specifically that you always have two of everything and you never forget anything on a game day

A: okay okay I'm nervous and I wanna see you before the game

K: okay I'll come, do you need me to bring anything else ?

A: no, I did actually leave my mouth guard at your house though

K:*chuckles* okay I'll bring it

A: thank you I love you so much

K: I love you too bye

I hung up before getting out of bed to find his mouth guard. It was quickly found on my nightstand, I don't remember him taking off his mouth guard and sitting it on my nightstand...

I grabbed it before heading downstairs with the green mouth guard. Mom sat on the couch grading papers while Myra sat next to her staring at her phone.

"Hey mom I'll be right back," I said "where are you going?" She asked "Avery left his mouth guard and they have a game today," I explained.

"Okay that's fine, could you stop at Target for me? I need another adapter for my phone," she said as she handed me a $10 bill.

I grabbed my keys and hopped in my truck. I bet you're wondering why Avery's playing considering the whole debacle last week. Well the coaches love Avery so much they had to put him back in.

I parked my truck before getting out and walking to the field. The boys sat in the bleachers as the team warmed up. "Have your parents changed their mind? Are you coming to play?" Coach asked desperately.

"Nope, unfortunately not. I came to bring Avery his mouth guard," I answered. He nodded before dismissing me. Avery met me behind the bleachers.

"Thank you," he said as I handed him his mouth guard. "So why is Mr. Soccer-is-life-never-lose-a-game-stay-on-the-grind-24/7 so nervous?" I asked, mocking him.

"I don't know. You're not here. Im used to watching you play before me and then you get in the bleachers and support me yunno?" He said, looking down.

I whined "awww Avery you just want me to stay and you know I can't," I told him. "You don't need me to win this, you know that," I finished. He grabbed my hands "it was worth the try," he said, smiling ear to ear.

"Aw I love you," I said before kissing him "I love you," he repeated. "Listen before you play, fix yourself," I told him "what do you mean?" He asked.

"In your shorts, your...junk is like...I saw it from a distance," I said awkwardly. He chuckled before fixing his shorts "is that better?" He asked, I examined his waist. I nodded "I'm sure you were the only one who saw that," he said with a grin "no I'm sure I wasn't," I said.

"So you don't want anyone to see my junk?" He asked with air quotes "preferably not," I answered. He wrapped his arms around me before attaching his lips to mine

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