thirty seven

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"How'd it go?!?!?" Myra asked me as I came into my room and closed the door slowly. "He...kissed me," I said still in shock, she gasped.

"Already?!!! Wow Khadi! Did you grab his dick during the movie?" She asked the last part quietly. I rolled my eyes "no, we just kinda cuddled," I said, pulling my hoodie off and throwing it into my hamper.

"So you had a great time! How was he overall?" She asked "he was so sweet and charming and goofy AND he loves The Weeknd," I said excitedly.

"Finally you have someone you can sing with," she said. "Is it me or did he pull up in a Porsche?" Myra asked "uh yea...he saved up for it," I answered. "But anyway I'm gonna ask if he can help us move next weekend so we can hang again," I told her.

"Ooh great! Then we get to meet him and interrogate him," she said "oh gosh please don't! I don't even know where we're going right now, what if he decides he just wants to be friends?" I said.

"He won't do that Khadi, stop doubting yourself," she said, annoyed with me. "Okay whatever, I'm gonna hop in the shower," I said, taking my pants off and going into my bathroom.

After I shower I laid in bed next to Myra before falling asleep.


I was slightly more excited to go to school. I couldnt wait to see Avery, why am I this excited?! Calm down girl. Myra and I got dressed once mom came in to wake us up.

 Myra and I got dressed once mom came in to wake us up

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We all hurried downstairs to grab breakfast. "So Khadi how was your date last night?" Mom asked before biting her French toast.

"It was good, he was great," I answered "so are you guys gonna go out again?" She asked. "Well I was actually wondering if he could come help us move next week," I asked.

"Sure why not? Then your dad will be able to meet him and we can get to know him," she said. "Well it's not like we're in a relationship mom, he's just a friend for right now," I stated.

She nodded "alright lets go, Kameron Elijah White get down here now! We're leaving," mom yelled. Kameron tumbled downstairs half awake with his backpack.


I was on my way to the cafe when Avery started walking beside me. "Hey Avery," I said, trying to contain my excitement to see him. "Whaaat? No Mister in front of it??! I'm shocked," he said, I chuckled.

"Well I figured that we can go by a first name basis now," I said sarcastically, he smiled. "Well Khadi I think l Saturday was fun," he said, I smiled again. "I'm sorry for kissing you like that, it just kinda happened," he said sincerely.

"Yea it was fun and it's fine totally. And about that moving thing, you don't have to come, I don't want you to think I'm rushing you into anything when we don't know what this is yet," I said, realizing how dumb I sounded on Saturday.

"It's fine, I want to meet your parents. I want them to like me and allow me to pursue you," he said, my cheeks burned red.

Did he just tell me that we would eventually be in a relationship?! Omg I'm gonna faint. "Oh," I said to save myself from looking like an idiot.

"Well unless you don't want us to be anything other than friends because then I would totally understand," he said, putting me on the spot.

No wtf pursue me. PLEASE PURSUE ME. You're so hot. "I think we could make something happen," I said confidently, he smirked "okay then we will," he said softly.

Oh his voice is like smooth red roses flying over a rainbow. The bell rang. "Well I have to get to 4th, I'll see you in a English," he said, standing up. I awkwardly stood up too before he hugged me, I took in his beautiful cologne before he pulled away.

"Bye," he said before walking away. I nearly fell back onto the seat. I opened my eyes to a brunette with blue eyes sitting in don't of me.

"Um hi," I said awkwardly "are you and Avery like..a thing?" She asked. "No were just friends," I answered "oh good, you don't wanna get into that," she said "why?" I asked curiously.

"He's just some bratty rich kid who's full of himself because he can get any girl he wants. Last summer he fake dated this girl and told her that he was in love only before dumping her and telling her it was all a joke," she said.

I was in shock "oh. We're definitely not a thing though, it's fine, but thanks for telling me," I said, quickly getting up.

He tried talking to me in English, but I ignored. I stopped at my locker to trade my books for my moms class.

He stopped with me "is something bothering you? You didn't say a word to me in English..?" He asked.

"Did you tell a girl you loved her and then dumped her all for a bet?" I asked. He sighed "so you did," I said, walking away, he grabbed my arm.

"Khadi that was last summer and of course girls are gonna be telling you stuff like that," he said. "I don't know if I can trust you now. What if you're lying to me?" I asked.

"I'm not Khadi. I actually like you, you can trust me," he pleaded "okay maybe I should just leave the past in the past," I said, softening.

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