one hundred twenty five

18 0 0

Next morning

I took the kids to school before coming home, Avery decided to sleep in the guest room. I'm lucky he didn't leave last night.

I went into the guest room on the second floor before sitting in the bed as he slept. I ran my fingers through his hair as he slowly breathed "Khadi, why are you here? Go fuck Ryder" He said coldly, slapping my hand away, not opening his eyes.

"I decided to stay home today and be with you," I answered, ignoring his remark "oh now you want to be with me, fuck off I don't want you here," he snapped.

I sniffled, holding in my tears "I'm gonna make breakfast," I tried to say, he sat up. "Just stop, stop trying to make this better. You fucked up," he said "you obviously still want to be with me if you're still here," I pointed out.

"I don't. I don't want you. Not anymore. Run that through your head over and over until you understand it," he said straight into my eyes with anger.

"Why are you treating me like this Avery? You cheated too! I have to live with that everyday. Everyday people judge me for taking Kira in, everyday people constantly remind me that one day my husband decided to make love to another woman. But I just get over it because I love you, I don't care what anyone has to say about me, it may have taken me a while but I forgave you so why can't you do the same?" I begged.

"I don't care," he simply countered, I began to sob "get the fuck away from me, your tears don't move me," he said. I hurried out of the room before sliding down the hallway wall.


Fuck. I hate this. I don't want to keep this up, my dumbass deserved this anyway. But she deserves it too, she deserves all of this. She thinks I'll crawl back to her every time, beg for her, I'm tired of it.

I'm always in fear of losing her, not now, not anymore. She'll fear losing me and she'll see how I feel all the time. Of course I still want her, I will never stop, she's the love of my life but she deserves this.

I finally got out of bed and got dressed. I jogged downstairs to see Khadi lying on the couch asleep, puffy eyed, tear-stained cheeks.

I bent down to her level and kissed her temple softly before leaving. I headed to the station before taking a seat in my office.

As I typed up a report, Myra bursted into my office and closed the door. "You son of a bitch! You called my sister a slut and told her you hate her! Yea she made a mistake but no man should ever talk to his wife that way. Avery you know I love you both but this is my sister and I won't allow you to put her down that way! She deserves so much more! Let's not forget how you cheated and got a woman pregnant, she forgave you and got past it because she loves you dumbass," she ranted.

"Myra this isn't the time," I told her "fuck you and your time my sister is more important than this. Avery you love her, I know you do, I see it everytime you look at her," she stated.

"Yea Myra I do," I said annoyed "then why would you go be an asshole and make her feel like nothing, like she's fucking useless or something?! Nobody deserves to hear that from their spouse Avery are you out of your mind?!" She yelled.

"Myra I know. I know what I said was wrong but do either one of you consider how I feel? She thinks I'll crawl back to her no matter what and I'm tired of that. I'm not just some object," I explained.

"Shut up with your damn sob story. She cheated once, everybody makes mistakes. When can you honestly say she's hurt you other than that? You can't. If anything you're always hurting her, do you even know how many nights she's called me crying about something you said to her? You constantly hurt her but she stands by you and shows you unconditional love Avery. Ugh I'm done, I hope you get your head out of your ass," she said before leaving and slamming the door.

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