sixty four

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As I stepped into the house mom and dad waited for me on the couch "where have you been?" Dad asked angrily.

"I spent the night at Avery's," I answered "you're grounded for a month. Going out and getting drunk Khadi?! You're 17!" Dad yelled.

"No phone, no car unless you're going to school, no going out, nothing!" Dad yelled, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and handed it to him.

I don't even care. Being grounded might be the best thing for me. I ran upstairs and into my room before plopping into bed.

I just wanted to sleep forever, it's only 1pm.

I woke up at 7am, there was a black box next to me, I sat up to see Avery sitting in my desk chair. He watched me contently "how'd you even get up here? I'm grounded," I said "your mom's pretty cool," he answered.

"What's this?" I asked, pointing to the box "I want you to open it," he said. I pulled the top off of the box to see a bunch of lead filled notebook paper.

I furrowed my eyebrows "just read them," Avery said. I picked up one from the top, the date read 1/7, it was from 10th grade.

I've never seen anyone more beautiful, her smile, her laugh, it's all so beautiful.


I have almost every class with her and she still doesn't notice me...


I'm going to ask her out. I have to, what if she moves?

I didn't have the guts to do it...


I hope I have some chance with her. Maybe she'll look over the fact that I'm not good enough for her.


It was Khadi.

10/26(they started dating)

She's just as perfect as I imagined. She's goofy, caring, and such a passionate person. God answered my prayers. She makes me so happy and I wouldn't trade her for anything, she's the love of my life.

I couldn't read all of the papers, by now I bawling my eyes out. I looked up at him "I'm sorry," I cried before getting up and going to him.

I straddled my arms and legs around him and hugged him tightly. "Im sorry that I was being such a bitch, I love you Avery," I cried.

He wiped my tears with the pad of his thumb. "It's okay but listen to me when I tell you that I don't want her you have to believe me. She's jealous of you Khadi, she was selfish and didn't care about me whatsoever, I don't want her back." He said.

"Okay okay I'm sorry that I'm acting possessive and clingy," I said, hugging him "I love it actually, you care about me and you show it 24/7, I know you love me," he said.

I kissed him "well I have to go, your mom gave me 30 minutes to come talk to you," he said, I groaned before getting off of him.

"I swear they're holding me as a prisoner," I whined "Khadi that's acceptable, you went and got drunk at some random party. If you were my child I would ground for a month too," he said.

"Okay dad, I'll see you tomorrow at soccer tryouts," I said as he got up and pecked my lips.

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