sixty seven

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I woke up to the sound of my phone loudly blaring throughout the room. Avery groaned, rolling off of me "turn it off!!" He groaned, covering his ears with a pillow.

I picked it up, the contact read:


I picked it up

Hey Kass what's up?

Kass: Are you still asleep? Me and Myra have been looking for you and Avery

We're in the guest house, still sleeping

Kass: well we're coming out there

No K-

I said before he hung up, I groaned. "We didn't lock the door did we?" Avery asked "get up bitches!" Myra yelled from downstairs.

"Well that answers your question," I groaned, pulling the covers over our heads. "Get up lovebirds we got places to be," Myra said loudly, pulling away the blankets.

"It's literally like 10," I informed her "no Khadi, it's 12, get up!" She said annoyed. "Don't forget Victoria's Secret is having a huge 50% sale today," she reminded me.

I instantly yanked away from Avery and stood up "okay we have to get ready," I said, pulling Avery out of the bed. "I'll deal with him, you guys go get dressed," Kass said.

Myra and I hurried downstairs before running back into the house. "French toast is on the stove, I have to run errands!" Mom yelled as we ran upstairs. We quickly got dressed before meeting the guys in the living room.

"Okay we'll take my truck since it's the biggest," I told them as I grabbed my keys off the hook on the wall

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"Okay we'll take my truck since it's the biggest," I told them as I grabbed my keys off the hook on the wall.

I hopped in the drivers seat, Myra in the passenger, the boys in the back. Myra connected her phone to Bluetooth and started her music.

It started with I Bet by Ciara "I bet you start loving me soon as I start loving someone else, somebody better than you," we yelled at each other.

Then it progressed to My Friends by Mr_Hotspot "217 SAY SUM," I yelled "217 on the track," Myra yelled back. "Me and my friends, we get turnt up, we get turnt up," we yelled. "LETS PICK UP THIS PAPER AND PUT DOWN THE GUNS YA MOMMA KNOW YA UGLY...YOU YO DADDY SON YA," we screamed as I pulled into a parking spot.

"Wow that was the longest car ride of my life," Kass said as he wrapped his arm around Myra. We headed straight to Victoria's Secret and went into the PINK section.

"I'm gonna get you some bralettes, I know you've been talking about getting more of them," Avery told me as I scrolled through the rack.

I smiled before hugging him and attacking his face with kisses. "I love you I love you I love you!" I said everytime, he chuckled "I love you too babe," he said.

I carefully wiped the black lipstick off of his cheeks before he walked away. I ended up spending around $300 before we left the mall.

Kass and Avery insisted they ride shotgun to Six Flags.

We scanned our season passes before going in. "Ooh let's ride the Titan first!" Myra squealed "ehhh I don't know babe, you sure you don't wanna start off on a smaller ride?" Kass asked.

"Are you scared Kassidy?" Myra asked in a shocked tone, I chuckled "nope, let's go," he challenged as we walked and joined the line.

Avery wrapped his arms around me from the back as I stood against him "have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" He asked. I smiled "all the time," I answered, facing him.

"I don't think I say it enough. Khadi you're so beautiful," he said, smiling from ear to ear. I kissed his cheek "thank you," I said.

We finally made it to the front of the line, Avery and I got into the front cart while Kass and Myra got in behind us.

We turned slowly around a corner before heading up a steep hill "oh God," Kass said from behind us "don't look back buddy," Avery said, turning around.

Kass looked behind us and screamed, I chuckled before grabbing Avery's hand as we came to a stop st the top.

I couldn't see the bottom where we'd soon be heading but I was thrilled. We suddenly dropped, I screamed as the bottom of the cart felt as if it had fallen out beneath us.

I started to laugh as we made quick curves and sudden drops. Before we knew it the ride was over. "That was great!" I yelled as we got off.

Avery laughed at me as I skipped down the stairs of the exit. "I need a little time," Kass said, breathless. We all laughed "okay me and Myra are gonna go to the ladies room, we'll meet you guys back for food," I told them.

"Okay be safe and text me when you come out," Avery said, kissing my forehead. I grabbed Myra's hand and skipped over the bridge. The bathrooms were literally on the other side of the park.

We did our business before leaving. "So Avery's birthday is coming up, it's a week before yours, and I don't know what to get him. I don't wanna get a horrible gift, he got me the perfect gift for my birthday," I told her as we walked hand-in-hand.

"I think he'll like anything you get him Khadi, he loves you and it's the thought that counts," she said "I knowwwww but I wanna give a great and thoughtful gift. Ugh! I'll take some time to think it over for these next two weeks," I said.

"How's he turning 18 in the first semester of 11th grade?" She asked "he started school early," I answered.

We found the boys again and sat down to eat. After a few more rides, we finally headed home. I let Avery drive us back as I sat in the passenger seat.

We intertwined our hands as he drove with his left hand. We dropped Kass off and Myra was asleep in the backseat. "You want me to stay tonight?" Avery asked "yes, but I promised my dad I'd be home and study for the rest of the weekend. Plus, I don't want to keep you away from your family too long," I told him.

He chuckled at the last part "they love that I get out of the house with you, my mom wouldn't care if I stayed here for a month," he told me.

"I would love that but unfortunately I can't have you all to myself," I said, kissing his cheek. He pulled me back before attaching his lips to mine "oh God. I'm here too!" Myra said suddenly from the backseat, startling us.

"Oh we didn't know you were up Myra," I said in an annoyed tone "hey I left my keys on your nightstand, can I take your car?" He asked.

"You'd leave me with Charlotte?!" I said, widening my eyes, he chuckled "yes, but only because I'm tired and don't feel like running upstairs and grabbing the keys," he informed me.

"Annnnd because you trust me," I slid in "sure," he nodded. "Okay get some sleep baby, I love you," I said, kissing him again.

"I love you more beautiful," he said as me and Myra got out, I blew him a kiss before turning to walk toward the door.

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