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Klaudia, Myra, mom, and me rushed around mom and dad's huge bathroom getting ready for the ball.

"Where's the concealer?!" Myra yelled "I have it! One second!" Mom answered. I could only imagine what the boys are doing as they wait for us downstairs.

 I could only imagine what the boys are doing as they wait for us downstairs

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Kass, Kalin, Kameron, and I waited at the end of the stairs for the ladies to finish getting ready. "How much longer do you think we'll be waiting?" Kass asked "Khadi takes an hour on makeup alone," I answered.

"Then when it's time to go out they also take a lot of pictures," Kameron added. "Were ready!" They yelled. They came downstairs in a line.

Alana, Khadi, Myra, then Klaudia. "Wow." We said at the same time "Te ves hermosa mi amor!" Kameron said, Klaudia smiled widely.

I took Khadi's hand as she stepped off the last stair "baby you are truly stunning," I said sincerely, she smiled. "Thank you babe and look at you! My love you're so handsome with your tux," she said, scanning my suit.

I lightly kissed her cheek considering she once gave me the two hour breakdown of how important her makeup is.
Full face= light kiss

Some concealer= free for all

I learned these rules even though I don't agree with her wearing makeup, she's very beautiful without it. We all split into two cars before driving to the ball venue.

We parked next to each other before everyone got out, I grabbed Khadi's hand as we went in. "Dad says to meet in the double doored room upstairs," Alana said, we followed her down the hallway until we found the room.

All of Khadi's aunts and uncles sat around the room in suits and gowns. After snapping almost a thousand pictures we finally went downstairs and into the ballroom after Dallas introduced us.

"May I have this dance?" I asked as I turned to Khadi, she smiled before slightly blended down "yes you may," she answered.

I rested my right hand on the small of her back and my left in her small hands before pulling her close. "I didn't know you could dance," she said as we stepped slowly "you didn't?" I said sarcastically.

Suddenly salsa music came on, I briskly pulled her even closer, startling her. She smirked before we sped up, hitting every beat when our feet. I spun her around before pulling her back to me and dipping her.

She laughed as I pulled her back up, I smiled. "You're full of surprises," she said as we got back to our slow dancing. She rested her head on the lower front of my shoulder as I guided us.

"I love you," she whispered against my chest "I love you," I said back, kissing the top of her head.

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