one hundred two

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Few days later

"Myra I can't believe you did that!" I said before laughing, I'd dared her to give some girl a lap dance. She decided to take me clubbing but of course I'm not getting drunk considering I'm the DD of the night.

My phone began to ring

Darla Facenelli

She doesn't call me unless it's important. "Hey I'm gonna go to the bathroom," I told Myra, I ran down the hall and went into the quiet women's bathroom.


D: hey Khadi I'm sorry to bother you but I'm here at the hospital with Avery

What happened ??

D: I don't know Khadi he went in alone and he was shot im sorry

Is he okay?

I felt a pain in my chest

D: yes but he's in bad shape, we're at Burbank Medical

Okay I'm on my way

Oh my God. My husband, oh my God. I began to cry "Myra we have to go," I said, grabbing her arm and dragging her out of the club.

I buckled her into the passenger seat as she laughed and slurred her words every few seconds. I sped to Burbank Medical before getting out.

"Hey Myra, in gonna call Kass to come get you, Avery's hurt," I said through the window. She nodded, half asleep.

I ran into the hospital and stepped into the elevator. Darla had texted me his room details. "You don't have clearance here, this area is family only" a nurse said as I tried to open the door.

"My husband's back there and he's been shot," I told her as a matter of fact. "Oh I'm so sorry," she said quickly before letting me into the hallway.

I stopped and talked to Darla in the hallway. "Khadi I'm sorry, this was my fault. I told him that we couldn't go in without backup and that I wasn't going with him. He didn't listen, I'm sorry Khadi," she cried.

"It's okay Darla, he's okay, he's stubborn and that's his fault," I said as I hugged her. "Okay go see him," she said pulling away.

I slowly opened the door and stepped into the room. A nurse stood over him, toying with the chords. He laid asleep in bed "hi I'm Nurse Johnson, you must be his wife," she said with a smile.

"Yes ma'am, I'm Khadi Hansen, how's he doing?" I asked. "So Doctor Statt went in and took out the bullet and stitch him up. We have him on morphine because he has mysterious scratches all over his back. He has a broken rib and left foot," she explained.

"He's been asking for you so I'm gonna step out just call me if you need me," she said. "Yes ma'am thank you," I said as she left the room. I kissed his forehead as he slept before I sat down.

Before I could forget, I picked up my phone to call Kass.

Kass: hey sis what's up?

Hey Kass I need you to come get Myra, she's wasted and Avery's in the hospital

Kass: whoa what happened?

He was shot but he's okay, we're at Burbank Medical if you wanna come sit with us. Bring some meds for Myra though

Avery started to open "it's okay I'm here baby," I whispered to him as he grabbed my hand.

Kass: okay I'll be there

Okay bye

I hung up before putting my phone down on the bed. "What were you thinking Joe?! You could've been killed!" I scolded, he sheepishly smiled.

"I'm sorry I just had to catch him and prove Darla wrong," he said quietly. "And what about me, your mom, your dad, Karson, Kass? How do you think we'd feel if you died being stupid. That wasn't heroic, it was stupid Avery, you almost lost your life!" I kept going.

He kissed my hand "I'm very sorry, I know my death would have cause you all a great inconvenience," he joked, I rolled my eyes as I kissed his hand.

"Where were you tonight?" He asked "me and Myra went out," I answered "did you drink?" He asked "like 2 margarita shots," I told him.

"And you shouldn't be drinking and driving," he scolded "Avery that's water to me, you know I'm not a lightweight I had to be DD," I told him.

He positioned his bed to sit him up. "Hey I'm sorry," he said sincerely "I never meant to say that, I don't want to be with anyone else," he said.

"I know Avery but at some point you thought about this. You wouldn't say something like that out of the blue if you weren't thinking it," I said. "Come here," he said, pulling me into a hug "no, no, no, never. You're my world Khadi," he said before kissing my forehead.

"Okay I'm sorry I just get so scared of that Avery," I admitted "oh what?" He asked.

"Of you falling out of love with me, getting tired of me, leaving me," I told him. He laughed "Khadi I've been telling you this since I was 17. You're perfect, you're easily the most beautiful woman I've seen in my life...well other than my mom and my mom in law," he said, I chuckled.

"Our moms are very gorgeous, speaking of them, im gonna call Sarah and Joe to let them know you're here," I said, picking my phone up.

He rested his free hand on the left side of my face as he slowly caressed my cheek with his thumb. I turned my head and kissed his hand as I talked to Sarah.

After a few minutes of talking about how stupid Avery is, I finally hung up. "Sarah, Joe, and Karson and on their way now," I informed him.

"Oh great now I have to receive another lecture about how stupid I am," he whined. "I want you to take your leave for right now," I said "Khadi I can't do that," he fought.

"Avery me and Darla think it's great and I'm sure Chief Swan would agree. You get paid leave anyway Avery," I told him. "I wanna go back Khadi, were so close," he said.

"Avery how would you feel if you lost me?" I asked "I would hurt. I couldn't bare the thought," he answered. "And that's how I feel about you Avery. If I lost you tonight I don't know what I would've done," I told him.

"Okay fine. Are you coming home?" He asked hopefully "yes Avery I'm coming home, I have to take care of you," I answered, He smiled. Sarah, Joe, Karson, Kass, and Myra all came into the room.

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