sixty five

31 0 0

I woke up to my soccer cleats wrapped in a red bow on my nightstand.

Thought you might need these :)

Love, Mom

The sticky note attached to it read. I forgot she said she would leave early so dad's taking me to school.

I got dressed and ran downstairs "I guess it's just me and you, Myra and Kameron decided to leave with mom," Dad said as I played with Kato and Tarzan.

After feeding them I went into the garage and hopped into Dads Range Rover. Ugh if he would just let me drive my own car this would be easier.

He hopped in after me, I was forced to stare out the window since I didn't have a phone to look at. "ready for try outs?" He asked "yes," I briskly answered.

"Well you're quiet this morning, normally you'd be babbling on about school drama," he said, turning the corner on the end of the road.

"Well I don't know dad maybe I don't know what's going on at chops considering I don't have my phone to stay in the loop," I said, still looking out the window.

"Khadi I know you feel like I'm being unreasonable but me and your mom never really discipline you and Kameron. I mean you both are good kids and we never need to anyway but we need to remind you two that when you do decide to make reckless decisions there will be consequences," he said.

I sighed, why does he always make so much sense. "Okay I get it dad but can you please consider giving me my phone back? What if something happens and I need to call you or mom?" I said.

"Maybe this weekend," he said "and let me go to Six Flags with Myra, Kass, and Avery??" I said with a big smile. "You're pushing it Marie," he said "daddd please!!! It'll be our first double date plus Myra gets to go," I pointed out.

"Fine but you'll study for the rest of the weekend," he agreed "yes!!! Thank dad I love you so much," I said kissing his cheek and hopping out of his truck.

Avery waited for me at my locker with a smile "good morning gorgeous," he said, kissing my forehead. "Good morning! My dad says I can go to Six Flags this weekend," I told him.

"That's great, I honestly thought I'd have to third wheel with Kass and Myra," he said, I chuckled. "Hey friends!" Kelsey said, popping up behind Avery, he rolled his eyes. "So you go to Burbank now?" I asked "yep! Go bulldogs!" She squealed.

"Okay I have to get to first period, mom would actually count me tardy then get on to me later for being tardy," I said. "My first period is Mrs.White, where's that?" She asked "oh great, just come with me," I offered, annoyed. Avery gave me a pity smile before kissing my cheek.

I took my seat in the middle of mom's class "Khadi," mom said from her desk, I got up and went to her. "So how was your ride with dad this morning?" She asked "he's letting me go hang with Avery, Myra, and Kass this weekend," I informed her.

She smiled "that's good I felt like we were enprisoning you in your room," she said, I nodded.

"Okay go sit down student," she said, I playfully rolled my eyes before sitting down.

We all got ready for soccer tryouts in the locker room. "Rumor has it that Coach Karp making us do one on one with the boys," Johanna told me as she slipped on her Nike shirt.

"Coach Karp always foolin," Terra said, we all laughed. A sudden whistle blew, startling us "let's go ladies, be on the field in 2 minutes," Coach Derrickson yelled.

We all shuffled out of the locker room and ran out to the football field. The boys were already outside kicking the ball around and laughing.

"Alright were gonna do some one on one, ill match you up with whoever's matched up in your spot on the other side of the field. You walk up, shake hands, and get down to business," Coach Karp yelled.

The boys got in line on the other side of the field while we got in line on our side. Elise stood at the front of our line while Joey stood in the front of the boys' line.

"Thompson, Gardo, step up," Coach Karp yelled, Elise jogged to the middle of the field and met Joey in the middle, they shook hands and began to play.

There was a loud "oohhhhhh!" When Elise crossed him and made the goal.

"Hansen and White step up!" Coach Karp yelled with a smirk. Oh my gosh, Avery was the second person in line and I was the last.

"Uh-oh!" Everyone said laughing. I sighed before skipping onto the field, we met each other in the middle before he pecked my lips. Coach Karp chuckled.

"No hard feelings if I beat you?" He said, I raised an eyebrow "let's go Hansen," I said with a grin. Coach blew his whistle and we started, I swiped the ball from Avery before he caught up with me.

Before he could swipe it, I quickly kicked it into the goal "no hard feelings right?" I said, winking and blowing a kiss.

He shook his head as he smirked. "Sexy,"

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