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Laila's POV

I slowly opened my eyes, hearing the heart rate monitor beep in the background. I heard Isaac's deep, slow breathing, his hand held loosely in mine. I looked up to see a figure walk in, his leather boots quietly squeaking against the floor.

"Aiden?" I mumbled, my voice breaking from my dry throat.

Isaac's eyes opened, shining a bright gold as a warning growl left his chest. Aiden ignored him, coming to sit next to me on the bed. His hand took my free one, his eyes going to the IV attached to my vein.

"I heard about the crash. I wanted to make sure you were okay." he said, his finger gently tracing the bruise on my arm.

"How could you have heard about it? Are you stalking me?" I attempted to make a joke to ease the tension between the two werewolves, watching Isaac continue to glare with golden eyes at Aiden.

"No, no, I was in here with Ethan and Danny, apparently Danny knocked his shoulder out of place or twisted something, I don't know, Ethan didn't say. But while I was waiting for them, I overheard Melissa talking to Isaac about Sophie."

"Stay out of it." Isaac growled, his clawed fingers tightening around mine.

"We can help you. Deucalion's still in our pack, he's still here. If anyone can help someone gain control, it's him. And Ethan and I can help too, we'll heal faster than all of you combined, we're still Alphas. We can take her on if she loses control."

"Why the hell would I trust you? You've tried to rip me apart limb by limb too many times to count, I wanted to tear your face off for months, I still do."

"I know you hate me and trust me, the feeling is mutual but there's one thing we have in common. Laila. Sophie tried to kill her and while you may be okay with being around the very same person that nearly murdered your girlfriend right in front of you, I'm not okay with her being around Laila."

"You don't get to make those choices, she does. Laila isn't yours, she never was. I'll protect her."

"Look at where your protection got her, Isaac!"

"As if yours is any better? You tried to kill her!"

"I protected her! I turned against my own pack for her. Would you?"

"You guys are gonna make the nurses worry." I pointed out, pushing them away from each other. "Isaac, maybe we should let Aiden help, he's right. He and Ethan can join together and take Sophie down if she loses control, she won't be able to take the both of them on when they're linked up like that."

"You want to trust him? How hard did you hit your head? Remember what happened the last time you trusted him?"

"The second he does something untrustworthy, you can throw him out. What other choice do we have? What are we supposed to do if Sophie can't control it? We can't just let her try to kill anyone she gets her hands on, we need them."

"I can't believe you still trust him."

"I don't trust him at all but after what Sophie did to us, we need all the help we can get."

Sophie's POV

"Stiles said they're like witches, the original witches. He said they were the ones that created the first of everything supernatural. They started with the basics like werewolves and vampires and more witches but they bred together and made new hybrids and here we are now. He thinks that they're wanting to create a new species, using you as an experiment." Scott quoted, his hand lazily tracing circles into my back.

"How do we figure out something that's never been done?"

"We wing it." he said simply, shrugging his shoulder.

I had to laugh, despite the seriousness of the situation, he could still make me laugh. "And if winging it doesn't work?"

"We wing it some more." He leaned down to press kisses to my cheek, a smile on his face. "We've been too serious these past few days, I want to see you smiling again."

"How am I supposed to smile when I tried to kill all of you? When I tried to kill you?"

"You didn't kill me though. I saw your eyes, Soph. They weren't human but there was humanity somewhere in there. You knew it was me, you just need to learn how to override the instincts. The same way Isaac, Erica and I had to learn how to not want to kill anything with a heartbeat on the full moon."

"But I'm not like you."

"We don't know what you're like. Until we have a concrete answer, we're gonna act like you're just another werewolf. We'll chain you up on the full moon, teach you how to find an anchor."

"Tomorrow's the full moon though."

"I know. But listen to me," he paused to cup my face in his hands, his warm brown eyes looking into mine. "I won't let you hurt anyone. And I won't let anyone hurt you. I'll be there for you, just like you were there for me." 

Author's Note:

Sophie's gonna have her first full moon! What do you think will happen?

I'll see you in my next chapter. BYEEEE!!

Under The Full Moon {Teen Wolf}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon