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Isaac's POV

"What are you doing here?" Laila asked, staring at her parents in confusion.

She had definitely gotten her appearance from her mother, the same hazel eyes and pale skin. I could see her resemblance to her father as well but it wasn't as prominent.

"We came back for your birthday. And to drop off the Christmas presents. We'll be a bit busy around the holidays, sorry sweetie." her mom explained, a smile finding its way onto her face. "Do I get a hug?"

Laila smiled, nearly running over to wrap her arms around her mom, her father still looking over at me. She hugged him next, distracting him for the few seconds as he stroked her hair.

"And I'm assuming this is the famous Isaac." Her mom turned back to me as Laila walked back over to wrap her arm around me.

"Yeah, mom, dad, this is my boyfriend, Isaac. Isaac, these are my parents."

"Hi." I muttered, lifting my hand in a wave.

"We've heard a lot about you. It's lovely to be able to finally meet you."

"Oh God." Mary let out, coming out of Luke's room.

His eyes lit up when he saw I was standing by the doorway, jogging down the stairs to hug one of my legs. "Hi Isaac!"

"Hey Luke."

"Alright, time to make dinner." Mary announced, looking over at Laila as she released her hold on me.

"Sure, Isaac, will you be staying for dinner?" Laila's mom smiled at me, seeming to be just as nice as Laila was.

"If it's alright with you."

"I would love to know more about you. Laila's told us great things."

"Luke, why don't you and Isaac go do a puzzle while we make dinner?" Mary suggested, walking into the kitchen.

"I'm cooking?" Laila's father laughed, his arm wrapping around Laila's shoulders when she walked by.

"No, you're not. Last time I let you do that, you nearly burned the house down."

"It wasn't that bad."

"Oh, but it was."

I had to smile at the bantering, the mood seeming to be nothing but happy and carefree. It wasn't what I expected when it came to meeting her parents. I thought it'd be awkward and tense, with nothing but glaring and forced questions.

"I think we should do this one." Luke muttered, pulling out a puzzle with Batman on it.

We started on the puzzle but I couldn't help but get distracted when I heard Laila's mother say my name.

"He's very handsome, isn't he?"


"What? I'm congratulating you. He seems shy though."

"He just met you. You just have to give him a bit of time."

"I like him."

"You do?"

"It's obvious he adores you. And Luke loves him as well. It's a sign, all of you love him."

"He's easy to love."

"Isaac?" Luke's voice snapped me out of the conversation, making me look down to see him with a confused look on his face. "I think I need help."

I smiled, reaching over to put the piece in its place. We continued doing the puzzle as I could hear them chatting, occasionlly bickering about something.

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