Siege Perilous Part 1

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A few days had passed since Kevin had translated the word, the three of them were still at Rufus' cabin, trying to work out their next move. Sam was typing away on his laptop while Dean and Lacey were lying end to end on the sofa, Dean reading Kevin's notebook while Lacey did research on her phone.
"Okay, man, I have read this more times than the Playboy I found in Dad's duffel." Dean sighed, putting the notebook down and rubbing his eyes.
"Anna Nicole?" Sam asked, not looking up from the screen.
"Anna Nicole." Dean nodded. "Oh, the good, they die young, huh?" Lacey glanced up from her phone and raised an eyebrow, as Sam made a face. "Look, we can read this till our eyes bleed. It ain't getting any clearer." Dean sighed.
"Okay. Then what does it mean?" Sam asked.
"Uh... cut off the head and the body will flounder." Dean read aloud.
"Okay. Well, I think we all agree that the head is Dick, right?"
"Right." Sam and Lacey nodded in agreement.
"So, bottom line is, we go grab the stuff and we mix ourselves a weapon. End of story." Dean closed the book and grabbed his beer from the coffee table, taking a sip.
"Look, I'm all for killing Dick. I'm just saying, what then? I mean what about the rest of the Leviathan? What, are they gonna just drop dead?" Sam frowned.
"I don't know. Maybe." Dean shrugged.
"Maybe? Maybe is good enough for you right now?"
"One problem at a time, all right?"
"Plus, if they're weakened, I can round them up and...." Lacey made a strangling motion with her hands.
"Okay. But it's not a crazy idea to try and figure out what the catch is before we go crashing the gate." Sam reasoned.
"Maybe this is the catch. God's not telling us every detail. You know? The word is from God. I don't know how much better it's gonna get." Dean got to his feet and headed to the bathroom.
"What do you think?" Sam asked Lacey, once he'd closed the door.
"I think Dean's right, we need to get rid of Dick either way, but it can't hurt to be prepared for whatever the fallout's gonna be, so we'll keep looking. We can't not do it just in case, when have we ever done that?" Lacey smiled at him.
"And you're feeling up to this?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine, powers all back up and running." Lacey nodded.
"Okay then." Sam nodded, sounding more confident now. They went back to their research until the bathroom door opened a short while later and Dean stepped out. He poured himself a whiskey before sitting back down on the sofa. Lacey gave him a disapproving look.
"What? It's 6pm somewhere." Dean shrugged. Lacey rolled her eyes at him. "Little FYI. Bobby's officing out of the john these days." Dean told them as he took a sip.
"Uh.... Awkward." Sam pulled a face.
"Yeah, you're telling me."
"He's not in there all the time is he?" Lacey asked. Dean shrugged again.
"Not a clue. He does have some ideas about the weapon though."
"Really? Well, uh he may be just in time." Sam turned his laptop around to show them the news article he was reading.
"Roman acquires... what's Sucrocorp?" Dean asked, frowning at the screen.
"They make food additives, namely high-fructose corn syrup. That crap is in, well, it's in just about everything, soda, sauces, bread..."
"Don't say pie." Dean pleaded.
"Definitely pie." Sam concluded.
"Bastards. So now what? Roman's moved past restaurants?"
"And into grocery stores, Gas n sips, vending machines." Lacey and Dean gave him pained looks.
"What can we do about it?"
"Short of going Al Qaeda on their trucks and plants, there's nothing we can do about it." Sam told them. Suddenly Sam's laptop slammed shut, making them jump.
"Like I said, Bobby's got some ideas." Dean reminded them.

A short while later they had set up the summoning ritual. Dean sliced his palm open and dripped blood into the bowl.
"Et ad congregandum eos coram me." Sam chanted before throwing a lit match into the bowl. As the flames rose up they head a voice behind them.
"Hello, boys."
"Uh, girl over here?" Lacey reminded him, waving a hand.
"Yes, but it doesn't quite have the same ring." Crowley told her. Lacey rolled her eyes. She reached out a hand and healed Dean's cut while Sam started to fill Crowley in on what they had found out.
"So, that's what all the rumble, rumble was about. Who translated it for you?" Crowley asked.
"Never mind. You gonna give us the blood or not?"
"Happily. But not quite yet. I'm all for chopping Dick, but I can't have you running around with a vial of my blood, now, can I? You know the sheer number of nefarious spells my enemies can use that blood for?" Crowley asked.
"Well, then when?" Dean asked.
"Last. After you've got all the other components. Most difficult, the angel part, I'm assuming. Given your role in their little apocalypse, I can't imagine the choirboys upstairs are wetting their vestments to do you... what's the word?... a solid. Unless of course, you have an angel up your sleeve."
"Well, that'd be convenient, but no." Dean said, looking slightly uncomfortable.
"Don't worry about it. We'll get the angel blood one way or another. We just need you to be ready next time we call." Sam told him.
"Fine. Oh, here's a tip. I have it on good authority there's one Alpha still among us." Crowley mentioned.
"Whose authority?" Dean asked.
"Mine. Wily character that Alpha vampire. Somehow made good his prison break before Cas went nuclear on the place."
"And you know this how?" Dean asked, sounding suspicious.
"Keep your friends close, your enemies, blah blah. Needless to say, I keep tabs. He moves around quite a bit. But I have an inkling I know where to start the Easer-egg hunt. Happy trails." Crowley disappeared.
"Okay. Where, jackass?!" Dean shouted after him. Flames began to rise on the table, Lacey waved her hand at them and they dies down.
"Hoople, North Dakota." Sam read from the burned etchings.
"Piece of paper would have worked." Dean grumbled.

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