A Curious Thing Part 2

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Esterley Bad Man

Santigold Disparate Youth

Katy Perry Hot n cold

The Professor had arranged for them to come to the University early the next morning. The three of them were sat in the lecture hall as he brought up images on the projector screen. The first one was the symbol carved into the men's' chests.

"You know, identifying the scroll was no day at the beach. Lesser scholars would have crumbled." The Professor admitted.

"Professor... the symbol?" Sam prompted.

"Yeah. Yeah. It's ancient, regional. Very difficult to identify. But I managed to find a match." He switched the picture on the screen for one of an ancient Greek Temple. "It's a variation of a symbol associated with the Greek Pantheon, the temple of the goddess Harmonia. According to myth, the coupling of Harmonia and Ares, the God of war, produced the Amazons."

"The Amazons?" Sam sounded surprised.

"Like Wonder Woman?" Dean smirked. Lacey glared at him.
"I only do Marvel." The Professor shook his head at their antics.

"No, like – like a tribe of warriors. They actually existed. The comic books – they're just silly perversions." Lacey smirked at Dean as the Professor changed the image again to women kneeling before an urn. "The symbol, I believe it originated with the Amazons. Pictographs meant to pay homage to Harmonia – occult talismans, if you will. They had an exclusively female culture. No use for men whatsoever, except procreation.

"All the vics were male." Sam muttered.

"So you said – with this symbol carved in their chests." He pulled up another version of the symbol.

"And their hands and feet cut off."

"Now, that is interesting." The Professor nodded.

"Got our attention." Dean responded. The Professor changed the image one last time to one of the female warriors with spears and several men hanging above a fire.

"After they were impregnated, they killed the male – first cutting off certain body parts."

When they returned to the motel, Dean began to search through the boxes of books Bobby had left with them.
"I know Bobby's got a Grecian encyclopedia of weird in here. I saw it last time I was looking through this stupid... Would it kill him to have a system?" Sam and Lacey were sat at the table drinking coffee and hot chocolate respectively.

"He has a system. His files are set up like his brain." Sam told him. Dean sighed and took a sip from his flask.
"You got anything?"

"Uh, yeah." Sam typed something in on his laptop and pulled up a web page on Greek Mythology. "There's this whole crazy side to Amazon lore that Professor Morrison didn't even mention."

"That's 'cause he doesn't believe in it, which is a real handicap when you're trying to deal with it." He sat down on the bed and began leafing through the books.

"Right. Um, apparently, there was this long, bloody war. The Amazon population was decimated, so they made a bargain with Harmonia to replenish their ranks and make them stronger."

"Well, I'd say throwing grown men through walls was stronger."
"Or a Saturday night at the Brotherhood House." Lacey quipped.

"Yeah. Well, basically, they became more than human. Harmonia turned them into monsters."

"Can you kill them like humans? Or is there some kind of trick?" Dean asked.

"Uh, doesn't say. No idea. I guess it could go either way." Sam shrugged.

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