Broken Heart Part 2

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Journey - Any way you want it
Dragonette – Let it go
Mamas and Papas – California Dreamin'

A few hours later found the three of them outside the Sucrocorp head office.
"You got it yet?" Dean asked as Sam typed away on his laptop.
"Here we go." Sam turned the screen so Dean and Lacey could see. "Thank you, Charlie, wherever you are."
"Go you, Dick." Dean muttered as the screen showed the security footage of the boardroom inside the building.
"Yeah, that's the second floor." The Screen kept changing to show different parts of the building. "And...then, what's that?" Sam frowned as the screen now showed Dick at his desk.
"What the hell? Is that Dick?" Dean frowned at the screen. It changed again to show Dick walking down a hallway.
"And that's Dick."
"What's going on? Can he duplicate himself?" Lacey asked.
"Son of a bitch." Dean muttered. "Cycle through again." As the images began to flash across the screen, Sam noticed a pickup truck pull up across the road from them. A young woman got out. Sam squinted at her and his expression fell.
"That's the maid from the motel."
"What motel?" Dean asked, looking up from the screen. Sam watched as the woman headed for the building.
"Oh no. Oh, Bobby, What are you doing?"
"Wait. Are you saying that Bobby..."
"Oh god." Lacey put a hand over her mouth in shock.
"Look, just wait here." Sam told them, opening the car door.
"Are you out of your mind?"
"You've got the weapon and eyes on Dick, plural. I'll take care of Bobby."
"Sam! Hey!"
"Shut up." Sam told him as he shut the door and ran after the maid.

After a brief altercation Sam managed to convince Bobby to back down and he left the maid's body. They were back at the cabin, sat in silence while Sam was on the phone, checking on the maid.
"Okay, thanks." He hung up the phone. "She's fine. Checking out of the hospital tonight."
"Well, that's positive." Cas was handing out sandwiches again.
"Tell me again why you turned tail for some maid. You were right there." Meg complained.
"Shut up, Meg." Dean responded.
"Because Dick made more Dicks." Everyone looked at him with various levels of confusion and amusement on their faces. "He must've kept a chunk of the original Dick Roman somewhere, they'd all have to touch it." Sam explained. Cas was drying dishes, looking around at them furtively.
"Hey, shifty, what's your problem?" Dean asked.
"Do we need a cat? Doesn't this place feel one species short?"
"I'm more of a dog person." Lacey shrugged as Dean rolled his eyes.
"You got anything to say on the topic of Dicks? Crowley was pretty sure that you could help."
"I can't help. You understand? I can't. I destroyed... everything, and I will destroy everything again. Can we please just leave it at that?"
"No. No, we can't." Dean stood up, folding his arms.
"Dean..." Sam cautioned.
"We can't leave it. You let these friggin' things in. So you don't get to make a sandwich. You don't get a damned cat. Nobody cares that you're broken, Cas. Clean up your mess!" Dean raged. Cas put down the plate and walked over to Dean.
"You know... we should play twister." The three of them exchanged glances and Cas disappeared.
"Nice. You scared off the Empire's only hope." Meg chided him.

"It occur to you every one of those things was in Cas? He knows them. He can see past the meat suits." Meg explained.
"So, he'll be able to spot the real... fake Dick Roman." Sam realised.
"Gold star, sugarpants. Too bad he's Fruit Loops. You might've had a chance." There was a noise behind them. Cas had reappeared and was playing Twister by himself.

Dean was sitting with Lacey, watching the footage of the Sucrocorp offices on Sam's laptop.
"There's no real point in looking for a tell. They all downloaded Dick's brain. They've all got the same tells."
"All right, then maybe the question is, what would the real Dick be doing?" Sam suggested. Bobby appeared beside them, startling Lacey.
"Is that the best you can do? Idjits." He complained.
"Bobby. We didn't know if you'd..."
"Well, you should've. You got the flask. Dumb. You should've burned it right off." Bobby told them. Lacey's eyes widened at his comment.
"Bobby..." Dean started.
"I'm still jonesing to go back, grab some poor bastard, kamikaze 'em going after Dick. It's bad. Let's be real. I damn near killed you. And that woman." He told Sam.
"It wasn't your fault, Bobby, not really." Sam assured him.
"Right. That's just what ghosts turn into. I really bet the farm I could outsmart that." Bobby shook his head.
"So, what's it feel like?" Dean asked.
"What? Going vengeful? It's an itch you can't scratch out. Look... I'm done. Go get Dick. But don't do it cause you think it'll scratch the itch. Do it cause it's the job. And when it's your time...go." They got up and headed downstairs to the forge in the basement.
"I'll miss you, Bobby." Lacey told him, not knowing what to do with herself as the coals began to warm up.
"I'll miss you too, Lacey. Take care of these Idjits for me." Bobby gave her a small smile. He turned to the boys. "Here's to running into you guys on the other side. Only... not too soon. All right?" Lacey went and stood beside Dean as he threw the flask into the fire and buried her face in his chest as Bobby burned up. Tear flowed freely down her cheeks and her chest was wracked with sobs. Dean pulled her in closer, kissing her on top of the head.

When Lacey was feeling a bit better they headed back upstairs to find Cas playing Uno at the table.
"Cas, I need a wingman."
"Dean..." Cas started.
"You don't want to jump into the jaws of death, that's fine. How about we run a little errand?"

Dean and Cas went to collect the impala and brought it back to the cabin. Then Meg set off in Baby to be the distraction and Cas, who Dean had talked into helping, went with them to the Sucrocorp offices. Lacey went with Sam while Dean and Cas went to search the building, until they found the real Dick Roman. Lacey followed Sam through the hallways, using the information from the security cameras to navigate and find the room where they were keeping Kevin. Sam found the room they were looking for and Lacey phased them through the door. They found Kevin on the other side, bound and gagged.
"Kevin. Hey, buddy. We got to hustle, ok?" Sam said as he undid Kevin's bonds. He pulled the gag from Kevin's mouth and turned to leave.
"Wait. We can't leave yet."
"Uh, yeah, we can. It's okay. We got to go." Sam told him.
"You don't understand. Dick's got creamer in his lab. He's gonna kill all the skinny people." Kevin warned them. Lacey sighed an looked down at her feet.
"This couldn't have just been simple."
"Wait. What? Slow down." Sam said, waiting for him to explain further.
"We have to blow up the lab, Sam. Please." Sam looked at Lacey.
"Ok, let's go, I'll blow it up." Lacey grabbed hold of them and teleported up to the lab. They arrived just in time to see Cas grab Dick Roman while Dean plunged the bone through his neck.
"Figured we'd have to catch you off guard." Dean smiled over at Lacey. Dick began to gurgle and his face transformed into his normal form. He let out a roar, returning to his human guise as black goo began to pour from every orifice. Lacey looked on in surprise as the air around him began to pulse in waves, getting wider and wider until he finally exploded into black goo. Lacey ducked behind one of the counters to avoid the worst of the explosion.
"We should go." Lacey looked up as Sam and Kevin got back up from where they had been hiding.
"What the hell?" Sam asked. Lacey looked over to where Dean and Cas had been, but they were gone.
"Dean?" She shouted, looking around. Lacey teleported out, searching the entire building with her mind, but Dean was no where to be found. She ported outside and looked around at the chaos Meg had caused out front, as sirens began to blare in the distance Lacey ported up to the roof. She closed her eyes and reached out with her mind. Lacey let out a breath she didn't even know she'd been holding. She had pushed her mind as far as she could, Dean had vanished, she couldn't get a read on him at all. She teleported back into the lab. Sam was standing there by himself.
"Where's Kevin?" Lacey frowned.
"Crowley and a bunch of his goons took him." Sam told her.
"I can't find Dean anywhere, he's just gone." Lacey told him, the panic evident in her voice.
"Yeah, Crowley said the weapon did something when it killed Dick. Some kind of side effect." Sam said, running his hands through his hair.
"Well, we'll find them wherever they are." Lacey headed for the door. "Are you coming?" She asked, holding the door open for him.
"Yeah, right behind you." Sam said as he followed her out the door.

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