Heroes and Villains Part 2

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Empires Hitch Hiker
Evan Peters Come As You Are
Greenday Holiday

A few hours later Dean pulled up at a gas station for supplies.

"Oh, hey, hey. Just, uh, sit tight. I'll be right out, okay?" He said as he got out. "Lacey will stay with you." Lacey raised an eyebrow but nodded. Dean walked into the store, grabbing some snacks as he walked along the aisle. The door went again and Dean glanced up at the mirror on the wall to see a man striding towards him. He pulled out the demon knife as the guy shoved him into the wall. Dean pushed him back into the refrigerators before stabbing him with the knife. Dean picked up his phone, which had fallen to the ground in the scuffle, and realised the screen was cracked.

"Oh, come on." As he turned into the next aisle he found two more demons waiting for him. Hew despatched one of them quickly but the second one knocked him to the ground, causing him to drop the knife. He was about to get back up when the demon lit up, as someone stabbed it from behind.

"Thanks, Lace." Dean said as he got to his feet. The demon fell to the ground, revealing Meg

"Lacey. Yeah, not so much."

"Meg." Dean stared at her in surprise."

"Dean, Dean, Dean. You got some 'splainin' to do." Dean walked to the front of the store and changed the open sign to closed, so that they wouldn't be disturbed. "Rumors are really starting to fly about this Emmanuel fellow. My curiosity sure got revved up." Meg told him.

"Just tell me what you want, Meg." Dean grumbled.

"Imagine my surprise when I track him down, and he's snuggled up with you. And he's the spitting image of poor, dead Castiel. So, Dean, what's poor, dead Castiel doing in that junker out there?" Megf folded her arms across her chest.

"Christmas carolling." Dean fired back.

"Fun. But how's he alive? Last I heard, he played God, went poof."

"I don't know. And neither does he, so you got to keep it shut."

"Oh, I do?" Meg gave him a look.

"He doesn't know he's Cas."

"I know. Been watching you for hours. So here's the deal. You might remember Crowley and me were frosty back in the day? Well, times haven't changed."


"That hurts my feelings. I've been good to you, Dean."

"No, you've been good to you, sweetheart." Dean said, through gritted teeth

"Look. Right now rumours of this wandering healer are strictly low-level. But body count's getting high enough to change that. Folks start poking, they sniff angel dust."

"Yeah, they start falling all over each other trying to tell Crowley." Dean agreed.

"Now picture Crowley with his hands on harmless little amnesia-Cas. Don't get me wrong. I'm gonna burn that smarmy dick. My time's coming. But right about now, my army-of-one situation is not cutting it. It's cold out here, there's a price on my ass, and I need friends." Meg admitted.

"Yeah. I get that. But I ain't it." Dean grabbed some more things from the shelves.

"That's where you're wrong, Dean. 'Cause I'm here to help you, and that makes us friends."

"Help, huh? You mean see if you can't turn harmless little Cas out there into an angel-sized weapon?" Dean guessed.

"Like you're taking him caroling. And by the way, you really want to keep going with little backup? Hey, I don't trust you, either. But I could really use Emmanuel. And he trusts you. So for now, it's in everyone's best interests to hold hands and cross the street together, okay?" Dean let out a sigh.

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