Devils Due

14 2 0


George Michael – Faith
Letters to Cleo – I want you to want me
Madonna – Crazy for you

Lacey opened a portal and stepped through onto her Aunt's porch. She raised her hand and knocked on the door. Seconds later her Aunt Rose opened it.
"Oh, Lacey! You're here! We weren't sure if you were coming."
"You look nice." Lacey noted the dress her Aunt was wearing.
"Oh, thank you. I..." Rose paused and began to sneeze.
"You ok?" Lacey asked, looking at her with concern.
"She's fine." Dorothy walked through to the living room from the hallway. "We've all got the flu, but we're soldiering on."
"Well, not all of us." Sophia appeared, along with Blanche. "Some of us managed to escape unscathed." Dorothy rolled her eyes at her mother.
"Listen, we're all going to the Volunteer of the year awards, why don't you come with us?" Blanche suggested.
"Oh, no, it's fine, I'm pretty tired, had a long day. You guys go have a good time, tell me all about it when you get back." Lacey waved them off.
"Well, if you're sure." Dorothy nodded at her as they headed for the front door.
"I'm just gonna curl up on the sofa and read a book." Lacey told them.
"You realise we're the old ladies here, right?" Sophia asked, jokingly. Lacey laughed and shook her head.
"Have a good time!" She called after them. When the door was closed behind them, Lacey sat down on the couch and pulled her book from her bag. She flipped through it for a moment before leaning back into the couch cushions and closing her eyes.

Lacey felt a chill go through her as she opened her eyes. She was standing in the middle of a dark road. The Impala was parked a short distance away in the car park of a seedy looking bar. As Lacey walked towards it, Sam and Dean exited the bar. It was still so weird, they looked so young, she almost did a double take every time she saw them. She headed in their direction and Dean spotted her. He said something to Sam before walking in her direction.
"Hey." He gave her one of his trademark grins. "Nice dress." Lacey glanced down at the pink, purple and white tie dye maxi dress she was wearing.
"I was in Miami." She explained.
"All right for some." Dean joked.
"My Aunt's live there, I was visiting." Dean glanced over at the car, Sam was looking impatient. "So what's the sitch?"
"We're on a vampire hunt, ran into another hunter, thought we'd see if he needs some back up."
"Ok to come with?"
"Sure." They headed towards the car.
"She's here?" Sam asked, looking around.
"Lower you're eye level gigantor, I'm down here." Dean began to chuckle at Lacey's comment and put his hands on her shoulders.
"Down here, Sam."
"Has she heard of Gordon?" Dean sighed.
"Lacey have..."
"I'm invisible, Dean, I can hear him. No, I've never heard of Gordon."
"She's never heard of him." Sam sighed and got in the car.
"There is a gap though."
"What?" Dean frowned at her.
"Well, it's 2006 right? I don't meet you until late 2009. There's a large space of time I don't know about, so..." Lacey shrugged.
"Right..." Dean shook his head and got in the car, Lacey followed suit.

They drove out to an old Mill, a few miles down the road. Dean parked the car and they walked out to the site from there. As they approached the Mill itself, they could clearly hear the signs of a struggle. As they rounded the corner of the building they found a vampire holding a guy down, an electric saw about to come down and take his head off. Dean went for the vamp while Sam pulled the guy to safety. As soon as the guy was clear Dean pushed the vamp onto its back and brought the saw down, decapitating it. Lacey watched on, a little stunned, as blood spattered Dean's face.
"So, I guess I gotta buy you that drink." The guy noted, as Sam stared at him in shock.

"You ok?" Lacey asked, as the four of them walked towards their cars.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Dean grunted, trying to get the blood off his face. Lacey pulled a tissue from her bag and handed it to him. "Thanks." He began to wipe himself down. "Not too freaked out then?"
"Why would I be freaked out?"
"Sam's looking at me like I just jumped off a cliff or something." Dean shrugged.
"Well, don't tell Sam, in fact, don't tell anyone, but you and me took out this enormous vamp nest all by our selves not too long ago. So no, I'm not freaked." Dean gave her an appreciative look up and down.
"I wouldn't mind seeing those powers of yours myself."
"I tried using them back in the fun house, they didn't seem to want to cooperate but I'll keep trying." Lacy told him.

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