Survival of the Fittest

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"Thanks for the lift." Lacey smiled as she climbed out of Lance's jeep with Kitty and Tabby. A group of them had been to the movies and now Lance was dropping them back at the institute. As they headed up the path Lacey shivered, it was a cold night and there was mist gathering around their ankles. When they reached the front door Kitty typed in the code to let them in but nothing happened. She tried again but it was as if the system was down. She tried the door and it opened, the three of them glanced at each other.
"Right, cause this isn't creepy." Tabby muttered. As they walked through the entryway the institute seemed eerily silent. Normally even at this hour you could still hear a TV going in one of the rooms, but tonight, nothing. They reached the other side of the hall and were walking up the stairs when a large beam of light cut across their path and the silence was broken by the sound of a helicopters blades rotating. They spun around and saw through the sky light that the helicopter was right above them, hovering over the institute. Lacey grabbed hold of Kitty and Tabby and sped them further into the institute, out of sight of the helicopter.
"Go wake up Mr Logan and the Professor." She told them.
"What are you gonna do?" Kitty asked.
"I'm forming the welcoming party." Lacey told them before she teleported back into the entryway. The helicopter was gone now, it had disappeared over the back of the building. She headed towards the kitchen, creeping down the hallway, listening for any signs of life. As she reached the door she saw more lights flickering through the patio doors that led from the garden to the kitchen. She crept across the hall and into the dining room opposite the kitchen and waited to one side of the door. The flickering lights got closer and someone opened the door to the dining room. Lacey held her breath as a dark figure crept through the room. Once the guy was a ways in Lacey cleared her throat. The guy spun around and for a moment Lacey was blinded by the torch strapped to his head, when she was able to see again she realised he was dressed in army camouflage. Lacey jumped in the air and flipped over the top of him before kicking him in the back. She sped back out the door and into the entryway where she was surrounded by blinding light. She took a step back. Suddenly the light parted and a guy stepped through the front door.
"Ms McNulty?" He called. Lacey squinted . The guy standing in front of her was tall with grey hair and an eye patch, he was wearing a long black duster and combat boots.
"Yes." She replied.
"I thought it was about time we met. My name is Agent Nick Fury. I work for a government organisation called SHIELD. We like to keep an eye on non-human activity, particularly places like this, and when we heard of your arrival, well we had to come and see for ourselves."
"Well you came, you saw, so unless you want to get your asses kicked I suggest you leave." Lacey told him.
"Before we do, I have a proposal for you. We are putting together a team of people with unique abilities, we would like to offer you a place with them."
"I don't think so." Lacey replied turning her back on him and walking towards the stairs.
"Are you sure? I think you would be a great fit with the Avengers Initiative."
"I'm sure." Lacey called over her shoulder as she reached the top of the stairs and lent against the bannister.
"Well if we can't persuade you..." He trailed off staring up at her.
"Fury!" A voice growled from beside her. Lacey glanced to her left to see Logan standing beside her, claws unsheathed.
"Logan." Fury nodded at him.
"Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out." Logan told him. Fury nodded at him before signalling to his men who filed out behind him.
"You OK kid?" Logan asked as he popped his claws back in with a snikt and turned towards her.
"Yeah I'm fine." Lacey nodded.
"Better head off to bed. You've got training in the morning." Logan told her.
"Ughh!" Lacey groaned before heading off to her room, dragging her feet behind her. Logan chuckled as he watched her go before heading back to his own room.

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