Day of Reckoning Part 1

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Dean was leaning on the Impala, which was parked across the road from the police station, waiting for Sam.
"Whattya got?" He asked as Sam crossed the road towards him.
"Six girls in seven days." Sam handed him a pile of case files. Which is more disappearances than this city has seen in over a year, all about the same age."
"And cute." Dean commented as he leafed through the pictures. Sam scoffed. "Hey, ice cream come sin lots of flavours, Sam."
"Right, sure." Sam rolled his eyes. "Well half a dozen girls, late teens, a shower away from greatness. Sounds like a profile. I mean, what else they got in common?"
"Well... six directions to go here. Pick a number."
"Seven. Another call just came in today." Sam replied as he climbed into the Impala.

A short while later they were standing in the foyer talking to the father of Kristin Powell, the latest girl to disappear.
"Kristin's a good kid, a little naïve, sure. You try to be a good parent. Girls are hard."
"Right, well we'd just like to find your daughter." Sam told him.
"Last door on the left." He nodded at the stairs.
"Thanks." As they headed up the stairs Dean asked in a low voice; "What'dya think he's talking about?"
"Drugs?" Sam guessed. They reached the end of the hall and opened the door.
"Oh, it is so much worse." Dean said as he flipped on the light. The room before them was painted blood red and had a huge matching canopy bed. All the furniture was black and the room was littered with candles. The worst part was the posters covering the walls, each one of them displaying more and more creepy vampires.
"Vampires?" Sam asked, smirking.
"These aren't vampires man..." Sam shut the door revealing a life size cut out stuck to the back of it. "These are douchebags."
"Wow." Dean walked further into the room. Sam began moving the pillows aside on the bed and found a laptop hidden among them.
"Aha. All right, let's see what we can see." He sat down at the desk and turned the laptop on. It made a screaming sound and the face of a particularly broody looking vampire popped up. The two of them flinched. "That's... that's just uncomfortable."

"What's he so bummed about?" Dean picked up one of the books from the desk. "Look at this, he's watching her sleep. How is that not rapey?" Dean held up a book with yet another vampire on the cover.
"I gotta concentrate here Dean." Sam told him as he tried to guess Kristin's email password. Dean began flipping through the book.
" 'He could hear the blood rushing inside her, almost taste it. He tried desperately to control himself... Romero knew their love was impossible.' Romero? Really?" Dean raised his lip in disgust.
"Dean shut up." Sam told him as he guessed the password incorrectly again.
"This is a national bestseller." Dean scoffed. "How is that possible. Hey try, uh Lautner." Dean suggested.
"Wait, he's a werewolf." Sam said as he tried and failed again. "How do you even know who that is?"
"Are you kidding me? That kid's everywhere. It's a freaking nightmare."
"Hey, how many T's are there in Pattin..." The laptop pinged as the password was accepted. "That's it. We're in. Ha! Alright..." Sam began to scroll through the page, reading as he went.
"Well?" Dean asked, coming to stand beside him.
"Well, her inbox is full, from some dude claiming to be a vampire."
"A real vampire?"
"Well uh..." Sam read aloud. " 'I can only meet you at night...the call of your blood is too strong'... vampires fishing for victims?" Sam guessed.
"Probably just a human mouth breather right?"
"On the other hand, talk about easy prey."
"For actual vamps?" Sam shrugged.
"Yeah. I mean these chicks are just throwing themselves at you. All you gotta do is...I dunno...write bad poetry."
"Huh!" Dean smirked.
"Wow. This guy wanted to meet her at a place called the black rose."
"Gimme a break." Dean rolled his eyes.
"Just reporting the news."
"It's probably just your standard issue perv right?" Sam shrugged and closed the lap top.

"Well you wanted Emo chicks. I think we hit ground zero." Dean commented as he leaned against the bar. The club was dark and dingy and there was way more red velvet then there should be. The bar tender brought them their drinks, as she walked away Dean chuckled;
"Think she wears all that rubber at the beach? When was the last time we had a beer together?" He asked turning to Sam who was scanning the bar.

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