Wool and Water Part 2

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"Ash?" Dean asked, disbelievingly. Ash clapped his hands twice and the lights came on.
"Welcome to my blue heaven." The boys looked around smiling as they recognized the place as the Roadhouse.
"Good god. The Roadhouse. It even smells the same." Dean commented as they wandered further into the bar. Lacey glanced around taking the place in.
"Bud, blood and beer nuts. It's the best smell in the world. How 'bout a cold one? Up here, no hangover." Ash offered. The guys wandered over to the bar and sat down on the stools. Lacey stood there glaring at the nearest one.
"So, we meet again, my insurmountable foe." She addressed it. The three of them stared at her for a moment before Ash started laughing.

"Whoever she is, I like her."

"Ash this is Lacey, Lacey, Ash." Dean introduced the two as he helped Lacey up onto the stool. Once she was up there Lacey grinned happily to herself, before turning her attention to Ash.
"Nice to meet you."

"Can I get you a drink?"

"I'll have a coke." Ash proceeded to hand the guys beers and poured Lacey a coke.
"So.. no offence..." Sam began.

"How did a dirtbag like me end up in a place like this? I've been saved, man. I was my congregations number one snake handler."

"And you said this was your heaven?"
"Yup! My own personal." He cut a hole in the side of his beer can and drained it from there.
"And when the angels jumped us, we were..."

"In your heaven."

"So there're two heavens?"

"No. More like a hundred billion. So no worries, it'll take those angel boys a minute to catch up."

"What?" Dean asked, looking confused.

"See you gotta stop thinking of heaven as one place. It's more like a butt load of places all crammed Disneyland. Except without all the anti-antisemitism." They continued to look at him confused.
"I like Disneyland." Lacey provided as if this would help. Dean smiled at her.

"Disneyland?" Sam asked.

"Mmmhmm. Yeah. See you got Winchesterland." He spread his arms wide. "Ashland. A whole mess of everybody else lands. Put them together; Heaven. Right? At the centre of it all? Is the Magic Kingdom. The Garden."
"So everybody gets a little slice of paradise."

"Pretty much. A few people share. Special cases, what not."
"What do you mean special?"
"Aw, you know. Like uh, soul mates. Anyway most people can't leave their own private Idaho."

"But you ain't most people."

"Nope. They ain't got my skills. Hell, I've been all over. Johnny Cash. Andre the Giant. Einstein. Sam that man can mix a white russian. Hell the other day I found Mallananga Vatsyayana."

"He wrote the Karma Sutra. Huh, that boys heaven? Sweaty, confusing."
"All this from a guy who used to sleep on a pool table."

"Yeah. Now that I'm dead, I'm living, man, a whole lot more."

"So how'd you find us?"

"I rigged up my very own holy-rolling police scanner." He pulled a laptop out from under the bar. He pressed a button and graphs appeared across the screen and a high pitched sound emitted from the speakers. "That's angels. Blabbing Enochian okay? I'm fluent. I heard that you were up. of course I had to come find you. Again."
"Again?" Dean asked, surprised.
" This ain't the first time here. I mean you boys die more than anyone I've ever met."

"Really?" Dean asked still sounding surprised.
"Ah...yeah. You don't remember? God! Angels! Must've windexed your brain."
"So uh. I mean have you found anybody else? Ellen and Jo?"

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