Down the Rabbit Hole

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Down the Rabbit Hole

Thunder rumbled across the land barely drowned out by the thumping base coming from the Impala as Dean blasted AC/DC along the highway.

"Can you please turn it down?" Sam yelled over the music. Dean bobbed his head along ignoring Sam.

"Dean!" Sam yelled louder.

"Yeah, yeah OK bitch." Dean muttered as he turned the volume down. They were heading over to Bobby's after dealing with Castiel and his Vessels family. Lightning blanched across the sky and storm clouds churned like waves crashing against the shore.

"Jeez what's going on with the weather?" Dean asked as he peered out of the windscreen at the night sky.

"Yeah I didn't think a storm was forecast." Sam replied as he watched the scenery whiz by. Another fork of lightning burst across the sky, splitting it open and a bright white light glowed from within the chasm.

"What the hell!" Dean yelled as he slammed on the brakes, blinded by the light. Sam raised his had to his face and blinked trying to make out what was going on. The car ground to a halt and moments later they heard a loud bang and something landed on the hood of the car.

"What the..." Sam muttered as he stared out the window. The sky had returned to normal and laying on the hood of the Impala was a girl. She looked ethereal in the moonlight, long blonde hair splayed out around her shoulders, pale skin aglow. Her clothes were another matter, they were torn and covered in dirt in places.

"...Hell" Sam finished as he and Dean jumped out of the car. The girl appeared to be unconscious. Dean carefully lifted her off the hood.

"Here let me give you a hand." Sam offered as he made his way around the car.

"Dude just make sure she's OK." Dean retorted as he staggered round to put the girl in the back seat.

"That's what I'm trying to do." Sam replied.

Dean stopped and stared at Sam for a moment.

"Not her! The car!" Dean exclaimed as he shut the back door. Sam rolled his eyes.

"The cars fine Dean."

"It better be." he replied as he got back into the drivers seat. "We're still a few hours from Bobby's, we'd better get a room for the night and call Cas, find out what the hell is going on with Chicks falling out of the sky." Dean said as Sam climbed back into the car.

They drove a few more miles down the road before pulling into a Sunnyside Motel.

"I'll get us a room, you get the girl" Sam said as he climbed out of the car.

"Ain't that the way it always goes Sammy?" Dean grinned from the front seat. Sam waved him off and headed towards the reception.

"Dean got out and opened up the back of the Impala and lifted the girl out. Sam returned a few minutes later holding a key. "Room 247 up the stairs." Sam said pointing to the walk way. The brothers made their way up the stairs, Sam unlocked the door and the two of the walked in. The motel room was decorated in pastel colours with polka dots covering the walls. Dean placed the girl down on one of the beds as Sam brought the bags in.

"Cas!" Dean called. When no reply came he tried again. "Cas get your ass down here!" A sudden noise caught his attention. The girl on the bed took a gasping breath and slowly blinked her eyes open. Her eyes wandered around the room and finally landed on Dean. She sat up on the bed folding her arms across the threadbare blue dress she wore. Her blue eyes widened in surprise.

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