Queen Alice Part 2

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They'd got back into the Impala and were driving back towards the house. Crowley was in the back with Brady carving something into his chest.

"Hey, hot stuff, watch the upholstery!" Dean yelled over his shoulder.

"Up yours mate." Came Crowley's reply. "This bit of carving will tie our friend here down. No zapping off, no smoking out...locked in the meat suit. An important piece of our bargaining strategy. Now, up here we don't want I-50. Take 93 north."

"What are you talking about?"

"Look we can't take this guy back to your brother."

"Why the hell not? Crowley!"

"They got history, alright." Crowley explained. Dean slammed on the brakes and the car screeched to a halt.

"You want to go anywhere, you start talking. What history?"

They arrived back at the house where Sam was waiting for them. Sam came downstairs and found Crowley in the living room.

"Where's Dean and Lacey?"

"Now...for the record, I'm against this. Negotiating a high level defection, it's very delicate business."
"What are you talking about?" Sam asked.

"I begged Dean not to come back. We should be miles away...from you. He replied with a colorful rejoinder about my corn chute." Sam snorted. "So go ahead. Go ruin our last, best hope. It's only the end of the world." Sam followed Crowley into the other room and found Dean tying a guy with a sack over his head to a chair. Lacey glanced up when he came in and looked at him worriedly.

"Sam." Dean said getting to his feet.

"What's going on Dean?"

"I need you to stay on mission, okay? Focused."

"I don't understand, what's all this about?"

"I'm doing this cause I trust you." Dean told him.

"Trust me to what?"

"Sam?" Came a voice from within the sack. "Sam is that you?" Dean took the sack off his head.

"Brady?" Sam asked looking confused.

"Brady hasn't been Brady in years. Not since, oh... middle of our sophomore year?"


"That's right. You had a devil on your shoulder even back then. All right then, let it all sink in." Sam's expression changed.

"You son of a bitch. You son of a bitch!" Sam advanced on Brady but Dean held him back. "You introduced me to Jess!"

"Ding, ding! I think he's got it!" Sam struggled against Dean's grip.

"Damn it, Sam!"

"I'm gonna kill you!" Sam yelled as Dean pushed him out of the room. Brady laughed at him.

"Get out of my way!" Sam growled at Dean.

"No." Dean told him firmly.

"Get out of my way, Dean." Sam instructed.

"There is only one way to win and it ain't by killing that thing in there."

"Well sound's like you got him nice and fluffed. Thanks so much." Crowley said as he walked past them into the room.

"Listen to me. We need Pestilence to get at the devil, and we need Brady to get at Pestilence."

"Why? Because Crowley said so? Because we trust him now? Like I trusted Ruby? Or like I trusted Ruby back at school?"

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