The Pool of Tears Part 2

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Lacey's head swam, consumed by the black she faded in and out of consciousness.

"Lacey!" She heard someone calling her name and latched onto that trying to pull herself out of the darkness. "Lacey!" She gingerly opened her eyes and grimaced at the light, shutting them again. "Are you OK?" She nodded and slowly opened her eyes again. She looked around and found herself on a gurney in a hospital.

"How are you feeling?" She looked up and saw Dean standing over her.

"I'm Ok. Head hurts a little, she caught me by surprise." She said as she swung her legs over the edge and sat up.

"You seem to be feeling better." She turned her head and saw a doctor heading towards them.

"Yeah I'm fine." she replied with a small smile.

"Well let me check you over make sure there's no lasting damage and then you should be free to go." The doctor shined a light in her eyes and made other checks before signing her off.

"We have to get out of here." Dean said as he took hold of her elbow and escorted her out to the parking lot where Sam was waiting by the car.

"What happened to Bobby?" Lacey asked worriedly.

"They're operating on him now. There's nothing more we can do here. We have to get to the sword. The demons heard where it is, we have to get to it before them. Can you take us to New York?" Lacey blinked at him.

"I suppose so. Do you have the address?" Dean handed her the card with the storage lock ups name on it. "OK" She said. "Hold on to my arms and don't let go."

Sam grabbed some guns out of the car and passed one to Dean. They both took hold of one of Laceys arms. She focused on the address and moments later they were standing outside the lockup.

The boys entered the lock up, their guns drawn and Lacey followed in behind them. The bodies of dead demons were splayed out across the floor. Dean nudged one of them with his foot.

"So I see you told the demons where the sword is." They snapped around to see Zachariah and two other angels standing behind them.

"Oh thank god, the angels are here." Dean muttered.

"And to think they could have grabbed it any time they wanted. It was right in front of them ."

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

"We may have planted that particular piece of prophecy inside Chucks skull, but it happened to be true. We did lose the Michael sword. We truly couldn't find it. Until now. You've just hand delivered it to us."

"We don't have anything." Dean told him.

"It's you, chucklehead. You're the Michael sword." Dean stared at him. "What you thought you could actually kill Lucifer? You simpering wad of insecurity and self loathing? No. You're just a human Dean. And not much of one."

"What do you mean I'm the sword?"

"You're Michael's weapon or rather his receptacle."

"I'm a vessel?" Dean asked incredulously.

"You're THE vessel. Michael's vessel."

"How? Why me?" Dean asked.

"Because you're chosen. It's a great honour Dean."

"Oh yeah life as an angel condom. That's real fun. I think I'll pass." Dean spat.

"Joking, always joking. Well no more jokes." Zachariah glared at him before raising a hand and pointing it, gun like at Dean. Suddenly he swung his hand around to point at Sam instead.

Down the Rabbit HoleOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora