Siege Perilous Part 2

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Joan Jett- I Love Rock and Roll
The Pretty Reckless- Who you selling for
The Trammps- Disco Inferno

They drove further down the highway before stopping at a grocery store to get some supplies.
"I can't do this, man." Dean grumbled as they left the store, with bags full of fruit and vegetables. "I can't live on rabbit food. I'm a warrior."
"Don't worry, I'll cook you something nice." Lacey told him, squeezing his hand.
"Dean you'll be fine." Sam shook his head.
"You don't know that." Dean sighed.
"So what's next on the list?" Sam asked, changing the subject.
"Well, if we're bum-rushing the Alpha, then we're gonna need dead mans blood, which means a morgue. Or...." Dean glanced around before settling on a guy on a nearby bench.
"Or what?" Sam asked, before following Dean's gaze.
"Dude, forget the morgue. We are swimming in vamp poison." The three of them approached the bench.
"Excuse me, sir. Hi. We, uh, we're with the... Red Cross? See, we have an emergency shortage. And we're gonna need you to..." The guy was just staring blankly at them, no reaction whatsoever. "You're not getting a word I'm saying are you?"
"Hey." Dean snapped his fingers in front of the guys face a couple times. "Hold out your arm, We need your blood."
"Dude!" Sam muttered under his breath, but to his surprise the guy put his arm out.
"All right, Sam." Dean pulled a syringe from inside his jacket. "Tap the keg."
"Here?" Sam asked, looking around, uncertainly.
"Yeah, Sam, look around. It's friggin' Woodstock. Everybody's hopped up on the brown acid. We don't need the song and dance. Give him a little prick." Dean wiggled his eyebrows at him. Sam sat down on the other side of the guy and took the needle from Dean. He pushed the needle into the back of the guys hands.
"Oww! That hurts!" The guy finally reacted as Sam began to draw the blood. "This is for Hurricane Katrina, you said?" The guy asked.
"Yes. Yes, I did." Dean nodded.
"So, look... when we get there..." Sam started to say.
"Yeah?" Sam glanced at their car, the young girl, Emily was in the back seat, waiting for them.
"Bobby's gonna have to hang back. Do you disagree?"
"He ain't gonna like it. I mean, he helped us in getting Emily."
"Look, I'm Team Bobby too. Okay? But there's a reason we left him in the car with Emily. You know that. The more action he sees, the more chance he gets to spin out."
"All right, fine. So, we'll keep him off the front lines and he can just, you know, keep calm and carry on, right?" There was a sudden noise as a police car went past, music blaring.
"Well, and if he can't?" Sam asked, taking the needle out of the guys arm and putting it in his pocket. Dean and Lacey shared a look but didn't say anything.

They got back in the car and drove into the night.
"When they hauled you off to vamp camp, do you remember how long the drive was?" Dean asked, glancing in the rearview mirror at Emily.
"We left at night. Got in before dawn."
"So, six, seven hours?" Sam guessed.
"I think so, yes."
"Do you remember any highways?"
"No. We only took back roads."
"Okay. So figure they averaged 45 miles per..." Sam pulled u the map on his phone.
"Couldn't have been more than 300 miles." Dean surmised.
"What direction were you going?" Dean asked.
"I don't know. I'm sorry."
"Oh, that's okay. Em, you're doing great. Is there anything else you remember?" Emily thought for a moment.
"Bells. As we pulled up, I heard these loud bells."
"It was still dark out?" Sam confirmed.
"You thinking church?"
"No, that's too early. It could have been a monastery. Monks get up at 4 am to pray." Sam began to search on his phone.
"Ugh." Dean groaned. "Can't get laid. Can't sleep in. A friggin' tragedy."
"It doesn't sound fun." Lacey concurred.
"Okay, so, Alpha's camping next to a monkey house. How many we got in range?"
"Looks like one. Just outside Missoula." They continued on until they reached the monastery. Dean pulled the car up outside the gates.
"This is where he took me." Emily confirmed. They watched through the window as guards patrolled the grounds and roof.
"Are you sure?" Sam asked. Emily nodded.
"What now?"
"We'll get you some place safe. Circle back and Ginsu these leeches."

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